السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
مرحبا بنوتات والله داخله علىالله ثم عليكم
ابيكم تساعدوني بهذاالواجب طالب مني الدكتور الثيم لقصه The Wish
وانا عندي بس ابيه بأسلوب ثاني من تقدر تسويه لي الله لايحرمها الفردوس ان شاء الله
والله اني محتاجته ضروري يعتمد عليخ نجاحي بالماده
الله يعطيكم العافيه وداريه انكم ماتقصروون
the writer wants to say: the inner life of children
is very sensitive when they are between 5-7 yars old-because in this age,their
individual identity is formulated or crated.
In this age it is not to leave them on their own,
the absence of one of the parents is very damaging to the child"s
identity because this Identity is going to affect the
child all his\her life.
The absence of one of the barents makes the child suffer in his lif.
in this short story the them revolres around the absence
of the father which is very damaging to the identity of
the child, such a sensetive age .the absence of father is felt by
the child through the puppy which the father was supposed to
live to his son ,but the father was absent,this affected the child's
cdentity and the child left that he was smothered.
we can feel that the child committed some sort of suicide
when he imagined the black parts as poisonious snakes.
The mother ailed to understand her son ,she was far away from him,
she was looking for her son not knowing that he was insid
the house.
The mother was not able say that the absence of the
father the writer wants to say that the absence of the
father very damaging to the son especially when the mother is
busy with an own world.

من أنا؟ @mn_ana_4
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
خليك أول من تشارك برأيها 💁🏻♀️