نداء لبنات فرنسا ......سااااااعدوني
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،
يا بنات إذا أي وحده فيكم تستعمل خلطات من المنتدى تدلني مين وين تحصل العناصر !!! مثلاً جليسوليد، فكس، كريمات، أعشاب......إلخ:09:

al_modiâa @al_modiaa
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

ossan :
hi sister: GLYSOLID is germany mark u can't find it in every where so i advice u to serch it in arabic shopes (there is many shop like that)cos they selling many things which u can't find in carrfour or auchan or other comercial senter. VICKS there is in oll pharmacy by the same name. CREAM it depand what u looking for cos tel me the name insha allah may i can help u. about the plants tel me the name cos here there many french shopes special for that. general most of things u can look in arabic shopshi sister: GLYSOLID is germany mark u can't find it in every where so i advice u to serch it in...
Thank you very much sister :) I wanted to prepare "khaltet shassalfa" that's why I needed vicks and glysolid. For plants I will prepare a small list of what I need then I will tell you about and in response you will advise me about where I can find it OK
thanks alot my dear:26:
thanks alot my dear:26:

اختى الصيدليات مليانة و محلات مونوبغيه monoprex كل مكان
وعندكم منتجات ايف روشية ممتازة بالاعشاب
وعندكم منتجات ايف روشية ممتازة بالاعشاب

in MONOPRIX there is no glysolid , there is oll kinds of oiles and other marks of cream.
in the shopes of YVES ROCHER there is many nice production but in my opinion it is not going very will with brune skin
best regards..
in the shopes of YVES ROCHER there is many nice production but in my opinion it is not going very will with brune skin
best regards..
الصفحة الأخيرة
GLYSOLID is germany mark u can't find it in every where so i advice u to serch it in arabic shopes (there is many shop like that)cos they selling many things which u can't find in carrfour or auchan or other comercial senter.
VICKS there is in oll pharmacy by the same name.
CREAM it depand what u looking for cos tel me the name insha allah may i can help u.
about the plants tel me the name cos here there many french shopes special for that.
general most of things u can look in arabic shops