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هذي اجوبة على سؤالك واقتراح لايش ممكن تسوين

Question: I Forgot to Take My Birth Control Pill -- Now What Do I Do?

Answer: Being even 12 hours late taking your birth control pill may increase your chance of getting pregnant. If you miss any of the first 21 pills in your pack you need to use an alternate birth control method such as a condom for the next 7 days.

If you are less than 24 hours late taking your birth control pill take your pill immediately and resume your regular pill schedule. However, if you remember your pill the next day and see you forgot the day before take both pills at the same time. Never take more than 2 pills in one day, unless directed to do so by your health care provider.

If it's been over 24 hours since you took your last birth control pill, take the pill you missed and take the next pill on schedule. Throw away the missed birth control pills and take the rest of your oral contraceptive package as scheduled.

Should you forget to take a birth control pill during the third week of your pack, finish all the oral contraceptives in your pack and skip the last 7 (non-hormonal) pills. Immediately begin a new birth control pill pack, understanding that you may not have another period until you are finished with this new package. Use another method of birth control until you have taken 7 pills from the new oral contraceptive package.


Forgot to Take Your Birth Control Pills?
I Forgot to Take My Birth Control Pills. What Should I Do?

If you forget to take a pill, take it as soon as you remember. If you don't remember until the next day, go ahead and take 2 pills that day. If you forget to take your pills for 2 days, take 2 pills the day you remember and 2 pills the next day. You will then be back on schedule. If you miss more than 2 pills, call your health care provider for instructions. Those instructions may be to take one pill daily until Sunday and then start a new pack or to discard the rest of the pill pack and start over with a new pack that same day.

Any time you forget to take a pill, you must use another form of birth control until you finish the pill pack. When you forget to take a pill, you increase the chance of releasing an egg from your ovary. However, if you forget to take any of the last 7 out of the 28 day pills you will not raise your chance of pregnancy since these pills contain only inactive ingredients. If you miss your period and have forgotten to take one or more pills, get a pregnancy test. If you miss two periods while taking the cyclic birth control pills (those that have the "inactive" pills at the end of the pill pack) even though you have taken all your pills on schedule, you should get a pregnancy test.

انا اشوف تمشين عالاجابات هذي .. احس انو اظمن

ام لين ولانا
ام لين ولانا
ترجمى لو سمحتى مافهمت
قلب أدولي
قلب أدولي
لا يمكنك مشاهدة هذا التعليق لانتهاكه شروط الاستخدام.
ويييييييييييييييييييييين حبيبتي لا تتكلمين الا وانتي متاكده ليش تاكل حبتين خطرررررررررررررر مره

اسمعي حبيبتي ما فيك الا العافيه ان اشاء الله كوليها اذا ذكرتيها على طووول ولا تتركيها اسبوع غلط

انا كذا مره نسيتها والحمد لله ما حصل حمل والحيوانات تعيش 24 ساعه فقط تنسيها مره في الشهر ما ياثر
اما انك تتركيها اسبوع انتبهي هذا الحمل بعينه لا تتركيها وحولي ما تنسيها ابد
لا للخلطات
لا للخلطات
ترجمى لو سمحتى مافهمت
ترجمى لو سمحتى مافهمت


بترجم الكلام باختصار

اذا مر اقل من 24 ساعة ابلعي حبة مباشرة وبعدين امشي عالجدول عادي
اذا تذكرتيها يوم ثاني خذي الحبتين مع بعض

بس ابدا لاتاخذي اكثر من حبتين باليوم

اذا ماتذكرتيها يومين خذي حبتين واليوم اللي بعده حبتين .. بعدين ارجعي على جدولك المعتاد

جمرة باردة
جمرة باردة
والله امي حملت بي لنه نست حبه وكملت الشريط وزياده نص شريط عشان ماتجيها الدوره فرمضان ومن تركت الحبوب وتبدى فالوحم فالاخر صارت حامل والحمدلله جيت للدنيا بصحه وعافيه وماتدرين وش الخيره فيه