ابغى مقال عن الاخوه متل الاخوه بين الدول ضروررررريييي:42:
مره مره محتاجته طبعا الابله قالت نشاط حق الانجليزي وعليه خمس درجات

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Islamic Brotherhood
It is related byabu Musa Ash'ari (radiAllahu anhu) that The Messengerof Allah said "The connection between Muslims is like that of a strong building - one part strengthens another." The Prophet then showed this by interlocking the fingers of one hand with those of the other (that muslims should remain united and combined - thereby streghthening one another).
In the above hadith, by enlikening Muslim unity to a strong building, the Holy Prophet has in effect urged the Ummah to form a fortress by uniting where each Muslim will be a "brick" and the closeness and coherence amongst Muslims should be like that of bricks in a building. He then demonstrated, interlocking the fingers of both hands that the Muslims should remain together and blend into a single body.
In a hadith, narrated by Nu'man ibn Bashir (radiALlahu anhu) the Prophet is reported to have said that"The Muslims (the Ummah) are like the limbs of a man, where if the eye hurts the whole body feels pain and if the head hurts, the whole body feels pain and suffering."
This hadith, also seeks to emphasize the desired unity of the Ummah. "All for one and one for all" should be the Muslims' motto. They should be prepared to assist one another and even share the sorrows and problems of each other. In fact, in yet another hadith mention is made of the fact thatjust as it is necessary for a believer (muslim) to be loyal and devoted to Allah, the Holy Prophet ,the Holy Qur'an and the Islamic government; it is an essential condition, for being a faithful Believer, not to remain indifferent to the difficulties and problems of the Muslims but to take a genuine interest in them.
As related by Huzaifah (radiAllahu anhu) the Prophet said "Whoever does not take an interest in the affairs and problems of the Muslims, he is not of them. And whoever's state is such that, each morning and evening, he is not loyal and earnest to Allah, his Apostle, His Book, the Islamic ruler and towards the Muslims, as a whole, he is not of them."
The Holy Prophet was so stem with regards to the mutual relat ion ship of Muslims, that he even took pledges for brotherly feeling and sincerity towards all muslims.
It is related by Jabir ibn Abdullah (radiAllahu anhu) that he said "I had taken a pledge at the hand of Rasuluilah to observe Swallah (prayers), to pay Zakah (charity due) and to be a sincere well-wisher of every Muslim." The Fact that the Prophet took the pledge or promise from the companions, for being a sincere well - wisher of the Muslims together with that of observing Swalaah and Zakah which are important pillars of Islam - shows the importance attached by him to the matter.
Besides the general kind treatment, brotherly love etc. to be extended to fellow Muslims, there are certain specific rights and claims to be fulfilled. It is related by Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) that the Prophet said, "There are five claims of a Muslim upon a Muslim: to return his greetings when he greets; to visit him when he falls ill; to attend his funeral; to accept his invitation to a meal and to pray for him, when he sneezes, by saying'yarhamukallah'(May the mercy of Allah be on you)."
The five things mentioned in the hadith a reacts which not only give expression to, but also promote brotherly feelings between Muslims and therefore special attention should be paid to them. In another report, some other acts are specified too-which shows that the claims described here are by way of example only and not conclusive.
Anas (radiAllahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah once said "I swear by the Holy Being in whose power my life is, any one of you cannot be a true believer unless he desires for his fellow-brother what he desires for himself.
"To feel earnestly for a Muslim brother, to the extent of preferring for him what one prefersforoneself has been classed asa prerequisite forcomplete faith. So, anyone who claims to be a Muslim, but is lacking in this aspect, he in fact does not possess the reality of Faith (iman).
A principal feature of the Holy Prophet 's teachings is the emphasis upon every class, group or individual to fulfil the rights of others, with a full sense of responsiblity, and consider it a source of good fortune in both worlds.
May Allah the Almighty grant us all, the understanding and the guidance to fulfil our rights and duties to one anottyer, in the mannerthat has been explained to us by the Holy Prophet and may He create the bond of true and Sincere Unity betiween us all. Ameen.
It is related byabu Musa Ash'ari (radiAllahu anhu) that The Messengerof Allah said "The connection between Muslims is like that of a strong building - one part strengthens another." The Prophet then showed this by interlocking the fingers of one hand with those of the other (that muslims should remain united and combined - thereby streghthening one another).
In the above hadith, by enlikening Muslim unity to a strong building, the Holy Prophet has in effect urged the Ummah to form a fortress by uniting where each Muslim will be a "brick" and the closeness and coherence amongst Muslims should be like that of bricks in a building. He then demonstrated, interlocking the fingers of both hands that the Muslims should remain together and blend into a single body.
In a hadith, narrated by Nu'man ibn Bashir (radiALlahu anhu) the Prophet is reported to have said that"The Muslims (the Ummah) are like the limbs of a man, where if the eye hurts the whole body feels pain and if the head hurts, the whole body feels pain and suffering."
This hadith, also seeks to emphasize the desired unity of the Ummah. "All for one and one for all" should be the Muslims' motto. They should be prepared to assist one another and even share the sorrows and problems of each other. In fact, in yet another hadith mention is made of the fact thatjust as it is necessary for a believer (muslim) to be loyal and devoted to Allah, the Holy Prophet ,the Holy Qur'an and the Islamic government; it is an essential condition, for being a faithful Believer, not to remain indifferent to the difficulties and problems of the Muslims but to take a genuine interest in them.
As related by Huzaifah (radiAllahu anhu) the Prophet said "Whoever does not take an interest in the affairs and problems of the Muslims, he is not of them. And whoever's state is such that, each morning and evening, he is not loyal and earnest to Allah, his Apostle, His Book, the Islamic ruler and towards the Muslims, as a whole, he is not of them."
The Holy Prophet was so stem with regards to the mutual relat ion ship of Muslims, that he even took pledges for brotherly feeling and sincerity towards all muslims.
It is related by Jabir ibn Abdullah (radiAllahu anhu) that he said "I had taken a pledge at the hand of Rasuluilah to observe Swallah (prayers), to pay Zakah (charity due) and to be a sincere well-wisher of every Muslim." The Fact that the Prophet took the pledge or promise from the companions, for being a sincere well - wisher of the Muslims together with that of observing Swalaah and Zakah which are important pillars of Islam - shows the importance attached by him to the matter.
Besides the general kind treatment, brotherly love etc. to be extended to fellow Muslims, there are certain specific rights and claims to be fulfilled. It is related by Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) that the Prophet said, "There are five claims of a Muslim upon a Muslim: to return his greetings when he greets; to visit him when he falls ill; to attend his funeral; to accept his invitation to a meal and to pray for him, when he sneezes, by saying'yarhamukallah'(May the mercy of Allah be on you)."
The five things mentioned in the hadith a reacts which not only give expression to, but also promote brotherly feelings between Muslims and therefore special attention should be paid to them. In another report, some other acts are specified too-which shows that the claims described here are by way of example only and not conclusive.
Anas (radiAllahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah once said "I swear by the Holy Being in whose power my life is, any one of you cannot be a true believer unless he desires for his fellow-brother what he desires for himself.
"To feel earnestly for a Muslim brother, to the extent of preferring for him what one prefersforoneself has been classed asa prerequisite forcomplete faith. So, anyone who claims to be a Muslim, but is lacking in this aspect, he in fact does not possess the reality of Faith (iman).
A principal feature of the Holy Prophet 's teachings is the emphasis upon every class, group or individual to fulfil the rights of others, with a full sense of responsiblity, and consider it a source of good fortune in both worlds.
May Allah the Almighty grant us all, the understanding and the guidance to fulfil our rights and duties to one anottyer, in the mannerthat has been explained to us by the Holy Prophet and may He create the bond of true and Sincere Unity betiween us all. Ameen.

Islamic Brotherhood
"The Believers are but a single Brotherhood."
"A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. He does not oppress him, nor does he leave him at the mercy of others." .
The Islamic Brotherhood is not based on economic interests, race, or color. It is based on something infinitely superior: Rejection of falsehood and acceptance of the Truth as revealed by the One True God.
Not only is this Brotherhood based on faith, it is also a part of that faith. The Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, said: "You cannot enter paradise unless you become a total believer and you won't become a total believer unless you love each other." Obviously, faith and community are inseparable in the faith community produced by Islam. Even a casual reader of Qur'an would note that it almost always addresses the Believers and not the Believer. All acts of worship that are declared pillars of Islam have a collective form. The five daily prayers are best performed in congregation, that being twenty-seven times more valuable than the individual prayer. The special Friday prayer cannot be offered individually at all. Zakat is obviously aimed at making the rich of the community take care of the needs of its poor. Fasting, an essentially individual act, has been given a collective form through unity in time. Hajj enforces unity in both time and place, bringing the believers together in the plains of Arafat in their remembrance of Allah.
Those who join in the worship of Allah produce a Brotherhood that embodies the best moral values of the faith: Mercy, compassion, fear of Allah, piety, and justice. It is a Solid Cemented Structure , a tremendous force in the service of Right and against Wrong. Its members are to help each other in righteousness and piety but not in sin and rancor . They are to be "strong against unbelievers but compassionate amongst each other . They do not do injustice to others nor do they tolerate any injustice to themselves. In their love and concern for each other, all members of this Brotherhood are one body: when any part of the body suffers, the whole body feels the pain .
This Brotherhood was established in the most unlikely place: Arabia, where before Islam internecine war was a way of life. On both social and political levels, this was one of the greatest achievements of Islam. On both levels, it remains one of Islam's greatest goals. We can imagine the sensitivity of the Shariah about it by reflecting on its teachings regarding the relations between believers. It is forbidden, for example, for two Muslims to start a whispering conversation in the presence of the third. This might offend the one left out and weaken the Brotherhood. It is not permissible for a Muslim to sever relations with his brother for more than three days. "It is sufficient evil for a Muslim that he should look down upon his brother. The life, wealth, and honor of a Muslim are inviolable by another Muslim." . The books of hadith are full of such teachings.
This Brotherhood was a force for good, a purveyor of peace and justice for everyone. It provided stability in a quarrelsome world. To the downtrodden and oppressed everywhere, it provided freedom. When it was powerful, it even saved the Jews and Christians in Palestine and Spain from each other.
Two unfortunate developments in this century have impaired this Brotherhood. The first was the destruction of Khilafah and the emergence of independent nation-states in the Muslim world. This made it possible for "national interests" to be declared that are at cross-purposes to the interests of the Brotherhood. Not only that, it destroyed the means for both defining and defending the Brotherhood interests. The second development was the emergence of the United Nations Organization and the participation of individual Muslim nation-states in it, solely at its terms. The U.N. was and remains an organization of unequal powers, designed to perpetuate that inequality. Its purpose was to establish hegemony of the Western alliance over the rest of the world--- not for any higher moral purpose but solely for economic exploitation. Its very structure (with real decision making in the hands of a few in the Security Council ) guaranteed the disenfranchisement of the weak, and the entire Muslim world found itself in that category at the end of official colonialism.
While the U.N. has failed miserably in its declared goals, it has been tremendously successful in the real ones. While it promised peace and justice, it has delivered death and destruction, exploitation and oppression. It provided legal cover for the first U.S.- Iraq war in 1991. It facilitated the carnage in Bosnia by tying the hands of the victims. It has perpetuated genocide in Iraq through the imposition of the most brutal economic sanctions in the history of the world, resulting in death of a million people through starvation and disease.
If any one country or group of countries had tried to commit such atrocities on their own, there would have been a tremendous reaction. But we have allowed ourselves to be deceived by the legal camouflage provided by the U.N. And witness how low we have fallen with our own accord. Muslims are not allowed to kill the women and children of their enemies even in war. How could we support the killing of our own women and children? A Muslim is not really a believer if he eats his full while ignoring the plight of a hungry neighbor. How could a believer then participate in economic sanctions designed to starve his own people to death?
When giving commands regarding the Islamic Brotherhood, the Qur'an uses a beautiful style with a profound message. Instead of saying, "greet each other" it says, "greet yourself." . Instead of saying, "do not defame each other," it says, "do not defame yourself." . Instead of saying, "do not kill each other," it says, "do not kill yourself." . The message is clear: Whatever is happening to others in the Brotherhood, is actually happening to yourself. Any aggression against any part of the Brotherhood is an aggression against all of it.
We must free the Brotherhood from the servitude to the ideology of nation-states and the unjust international organizations so we can stop killing ourselves.
"The Believers are but a single Brotherhood."
"A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. He does not oppress him, nor does he leave him at the mercy of others." .
The Islamic Brotherhood is not based on economic interests, race, or color. It is based on something infinitely superior: Rejection of falsehood and acceptance of the Truth as revealed by the One True God.
Not only is this Brotherhood based on faith, it is also a part of that faith. The Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, said: "You cannot enter paradise unless you become a total believer and you won't become a total believer unless you love each other." Obviously, faith and community are inseparable in the faith community produced by Islam. Even a casual reader of Qur'an would note that it almost always addresses the Believers and not the Believer. All acts of worship that are declared pillars of Islam have a collective form. The five daily prayers are best performed in congregation, that being twenty-seven times more valuable than the individual prayer. The special Friday prayer cannot be offered individually at all. Zakat is obviously aimed at making the rich of the community take care of the needs of its poor. Fasting, an essentially individual act, has been given a collective form through unity in time. Hajj enforces unity in both time and place, bringing the believers together in the plains of Arafat in their remembrance of Allah.
Those who join in the worship of Allah produce a Brotherhood that embodies the best moral values of the faith: Mercy, compassion, fear of Allah, piety, and justice. It is a Solid Cemented Structure , a tremendous force in the service of Right and against Wrong. Its members are to help each other in righteousness and piety but not in sin and rancor . They are to be "strong against unbelievers but compassionate amongst each other . They do not do injustice to others nor do they tolerate any injustice to themselves. In their love and concern for each other, all members of this Brotherhood are one body: when any part of the body suffers, the whole body feels the pain .
This Brotherhood was established in the most unlikely place: Arabia, where before Islam internecine war was a way of life. On both social and political levels, this was one of the greatest achievements of Islam. On both levels, it remains one of Islam's greatest goals. We can imagine the sensitivity of the Shariah about it by reflecting on its teachings regarding the relations between believers. It is forbidden, for example, for two Muslims to start a whispering conversation in the presence of the third. This might offend the one left out and weaken the Brotherhood. It is not permissible for a Muslim to sever relations with his brother for more than three days. "It is sufficient evil for a Muslim that he should look down upon his brother. The life, wealth, and honor of a Muslim are inviolable by another Muslim." . The books of hadith are full of such teachings.
This Brotherhood was a force for good, a purveyor of peace and justice for everyone. It provided stability in a quarrelsome world. To the downtrodden and oppressed everywhere, it provided freedom. When it was powerful, it even saved the Jews and Christians in Palestine and Spain from each other.
Two unfortunate developments in this century have impaired this Brotherhood. The first was the destruction of Khilafah and the emergence of independent nation-states in the Muslim world. This made it possible for "national interests" to be declared that are at cross-purposes to the interests of the Brotherhood. Not only that, it destroyed the means for both defining and defending the Brotherhood interests. The second development was the emergence of the United Nations Organization and the participation of individual Muslim nation-states in it, solely at its terms. The U.N. was and remains an organization of unequal powers, designed to perpetuate that inequality. Its purpose was to establish hegemony of the Western alliance over the rest of the world--- not for any higher moral purpose but solely for economic exploitation. Its very structure (with real decision making in the hands of a few in the Security Council ) guaranteed the disenfranchisement of the weak, and the entire Muslim world found itself in that category at the end of official colonialism.
While the U.N. has failed miserably in its declared goals, it has been tremendously successful in the real ones. While it promised peace and justice, it has delivered death and destruction, exploitation and oppression. It provided legal cover for the first U.S.- Iraq war in 1991. It facilitated the carnage in Bosnia by tying the hands of the victims. It has perpetuated genocide in Iraq through the imposition of the most brutal economic sanctions in the history of the world, resulting in death of a million people through starvation and disease.
If any one country or group of countries had tried to commit such atrocities on their own, there would have been a tremendous reaction. But we have allowed ourselves to be deceived by the legal camouflage provided by the U.N. And witness how low we have fallen with our own accord. Muslims are not allowed to kill the women and children of their enemies even in war. How could we support the killing of our own women and children? A Muslim is not really a believer if he eats his full while ignoring the plight of a hungry neighbor. How could a believer then participate in economic sanctions designed to starve his own people to death?
When giving commands regarding the Islamic Brotherhood, the Qur'an uses a beautiful style with a profound message. Instead of saying, "greet each other" it says, "greet yourself." . Instead of saying, "do not defame each other," it says, "do not defame yourself." . Instead of saying, "do not kill each other," it says, "do not kill yourself." . The message is clear: Whatever is happening to others in the Brotherhood, is actually happening to yourself. Any aggression against any part of the Brotherhood is an aggression against all of it.
We must free the Brotherhood from the servitude to the ideology of nation-states and the unjust international organizations so we can stop killing ourselves.

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