ايش رااايكم كووووونت هالصفحة تنفع ولا لا ؟؟؟؟
انتظر رايكم ؟؟؟؟؟؟
This is not Vietnam..this is Iraq..
But it is the same mistake..
the same tragedy..
the same fate..
Tomorrow,caskets will arrive at our door steps..
full of our sons' mashed flesh..full of blood and gunpowder..
When will that little boy,sitting in the white house,ever grow up?!
He who calls himself "PRESEDENT" ..!

This is Baghdad ……
City of the two rivers, dates and salahudiun.
The ugly American peace came to it, it became…
City of fire and weapons
Who tells those who bite our hearts with odious spite claws
They though … we are Washington slaves
They kick our holly book
If Baghdad is defeated …
The history will not be defeated…
Americans will fight our next generations
We will burn them with the same weapon
We will kill them the same way they did before
Holoko will never come again to Baghdad
This is not threaten
This is promise

ممتاز جدا أختي الغيورة ، بارك الله فيك
لكن هناك ثلاث صور لم تظهر لي ؟؟
على العموم تستحقين جائزة على هذا المجهود والنشاط ، وانت أول الواصلات من إنطلاقة أحلام نسأل الله لكن التوفيق