وارجوا ان يعجب الاخوات المقبلات على الخياطه ودعواتنا كلنا لكى يا بنت مفيد بالصحه ودوام الستر وراحه البال.

هذا برنس للحمام لطفل معمول من فوطه
ظهر البرنس

صوره مقربه

طريقه العمل.........

الشرح باللغه الانجليزيه
Fold the towel in half crosswise and mark down the center. Unfold and bring the two ends to those center markings and overlap them by 1/2". On each folded side, measure 5" down from the top selvage, mark with pin and then measure over from fold 4". This 4" space will form the sleeve. Now cut on the fold down to the 5" mark and across to the 4" marking for the sleeve. Turn over to the backside and measure down 5" all across from cut on fold to other cut on fold. Cut across on these markings. This extra piece will form the yoke. You can now stitch a design all across the back yoke. I do this with the omnigram vine. To embroider on terry, you should use Solvy on top so the stitches won't sink in and use stabilizer underneath. I also picked a decorative stitch to put down the fronts of the robe on the heavy border line. Stabilizer is not necessary here because of the stability of this area.
On the selvage edge of the yoke, measure 6" from each cut end and place a pin. This will be the shoulder seam. Lay aside. On the front of the robe, measure over from center front shoulder seam to 3" and form a 1/2" pleat and then move over 1/2" and make another 1/2" pleat. Pin in place on both side fronts. Pin the selvage edge of the yoke to the end of the sleeve and pin again at that 6" marking and sew the shoulder seam on each side in a 1/4" seam. At center fronts, form a lapel by folding fronts diagonally and sew on a button or a ribbon bow for decoration or just stitch one heart from your decorative stitches on the machine. Turn the selvage down at the neckline and stitch down.
Using the ribbon, encase ends of sleeves with a zig zag stitch or the heirloom applique stitch or the pinstitch (your choice). Using ribbon instead of bias binding makes it softer.
Gather the upper back of the rest of the robe between the sleeve areas, mark center back and match it to the yoke center back and adjust gathers evenly. Sew sleeve seam from one end and across the yoke to the other end of sleeve. Sew ribbon ties to the front using one heart design.
اذا كان صعب الفهم بليز قولوا لى اعد اترجمه بس انا لقيته سهل جدا والشرح باللغه الانجليزيه اوفى وادق
شكرا بنت مفيد جزاك الله عنا كل خير
حتى يستفيد الكل منه
وشكرا لك عزيزتي على هذا الموضوع الرائع