ابي وحده متمكنه يعني teacherنجليزي
ابي تكتب لي مقال عنmy name
عني اسمي وليش سموني مثلا على جدتي وانو فالبدايه ماعجبني كنت ابي اغيره بس عقب والديني علموني معنى اسمي واعجبني وش زي كذا
ابي السبت القاه عندي امتحان الاحد وياليت دققون فالقرامر والافكار تكون مرتبه ويكون في بدايه وbody ونهايه(خاتمه)

وفاء سدير @ofaaa_sdyr
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

وهذا مقال ثاني خذي فكره
By Charlotte Izetta
Izetta; the name I am most commonly known as. A strange new word to any stranger I meet. They read my name as if the English rules do not apply, giving it an uncanny sound.
I love my name, because it describes me perfectly, original and atypical, but there are times when I hate it; I feel as if I am an animal in a cage being watched and stared at.
My name grabs people�s attention so they say my name many times as if trying to tantalize their tongue. The sound that escapes their lips is like the metal stick prodding in my side as the zookeeper moves me along.
My other name, Charlotte is French and means �little� or �womanly� and comes from the name Charlie. My grandmother received her name from a Charlie. He was the man who helped her mother give birth in the back of an ambulance.
Neither of my names where passed down from many generation�s and I am not planning to pass my name on to my future daughter. I am the only Charlotte Izetta in my family and I plan to keep it that way.
I�ll give my children strange names, ones that only some can pronounce, and that will make them hate their name for the time being; not because I�ll be a mean mother, but to give them a lifelong lesson.
By Charlotte Izetta
Izetta; the name I am most commonly known as. A strange new word to any stranger I meet. They read my name as if the English rules do not apply, giving it an uncanny sound.
I love my name, because it describes me perfectly, original and atypical, but there are times when I hate it; I feel as if I am an animal in a cage being watched and stared at.
My name grabs people�s attention so they say my name many times as if trying to tantalize their tongue. The sound that escapes their lips is like the metal stick prodding in my side as the zookeeper moves me along.
My other name, Charlotte is French and means �little� or �womanly� and comes from the name Charlie. My grandmother received her name from a Charlie. He was the man who helped her mother give birth in the back of an ambulance.
Neither of my names where passed down from many generation�s and I am not planning to pass my name on to my future daughter. I am the only Charlotte Izetta in my family and I plan to keep it that way.
I�ll give my children strange names, ones that only some can pronounce, and that will make them hate their name for the time being; not because I�ll be a mean mother, but to give them a lifelong lesson.

وهذا مقال ثالتI'm sure by now that most people of heard of the parents from China who wanted to name their baby @ or that poor little girl from New Zealand who's parents decided to call her Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii. Luckily for her she gets a chance to have a normal life with a nice normal name because the judge in her custody case has since made her a ward of the state so that her name could be changed. Unfortunately most people will have to live with their odd names at least until they are old enough to have it changed.I hated my name for so long , at school boys always call me Botata and my name is Botet . I don't know what does it mean but my parents chose it.
I remember when my teacher called me in the class the kids laughed and that made me cry but my teacher told me that my name make me speical . now I know that I am uniqe and my wife love my name.
I remember when my teacher called me in the class the kids laughed and that made me cry but my teacher told me that my name make me speical . now I know that I am uniqe and my wife love my name.

الله يفرج لـــكـ ويحقق اللي فبـالـك يااااااارب
بس ودي لو يكون احد يكتبه لي من عنده لو انتي مدرسة انجلش وتعرفين تكتبين لي من عندك احسن واسهل او لوتعرفين احد بالمنتدى تكتب لي وتنزله هنا اذا ممكن
الله يسعدك ويرزقك من حيث لاتحتسب...
بس ودي لو يكون احد يكتبه لي من عنده لو انتي مدرسة انجلش وتعرفين تكتبين لي من عندك احسن واسهل او لوتعرفين احد بالمنتدى تكتب لي وتنزله هنا اذا ممكن
الله يسعدك ويرزقك من حيث لاتحتسب...
الصفحة الأخيرة
What is a name? Many people never think about the name they were given by their parents. I believe that a name can help mold you into what you become but not determine who you will be. I will discuss my first and middle name, my last name, and finally what experts say about the power of a name. My first name, Denise, means of Dionysis in the popular definitions. To my parents "it represents the talented and beautiful woman that you are!" according to my mom in an e-mail interview. The name sounds feminine but comes from the male name Dennis which reminds my parents of the "Tom Boy" streak that I have running through me. In the Zodiacal Zephyr my name has deeper meaning. It says that I focus on my family and that my "world revolves around" my family regardless of good or bad. I am "determined and loyal" and sometimes even inventive or curious. I need to be more expressive and I do not like to be misunderstood. "You handle details well. You have a methodical mind. You are relatively demonstrative in your affections." While some or even most of these ideas do describe me, I do not believe that my name has that much to do with who I am or who I turn out to be in this life. My first name reminds me of