السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
محتاجه ترجمة المعنى والجمل بالكامل بليز
water under the bridge
problems that someone had in the past that they don't want to worry about now because they happened a long time ago and can't now be changed
We almost split up when we were first going out because he said his career was more important than settling down with me but that's water under the bridge now. We've been happily married for almost 25 years now!

دعاءالكروان1 @daaaaaalkroan1
عضوة فعالة
هذا الموضوع مغلق.

بنت النور2007
روحي برنامج الوافي وحطي فيه اللي تبي وهوه يترجم لك دايركت

الصفحة الأخيرة