ياني إيميل بالإنجليزي ولا فهمت منه شي .. فممكن حد يترجمه لي

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم
يتني رساله للإيميل ولا فهمت شي منها .. فمنو تقدر تعطيني نبذه عن مضمونها ..

The Camelot Group,:operators of The National Lottery.3b Olympic Way, Sefton Business Park,Aintree, Liverpool , L30 1RD Dear Winner, The United Kingdom National Lottery wishes to inform you that the results of the E-mail address ballot lottery international programby Great Britain held on the 2nd of November 2007. Your mail account have been picked as a winner of a lump sum pay out of Eight hundredandninty-one thousand,nine hundred and thirty-four Great Britain pounds(£891,934.00 pounds sterlings) in cash credited to file REF NO.REF:UKL/74-A0802742006. This is from total prize money of GBP 4,459,670.00 shared among the FIVE (5) international winners in this category. Note below your winning details:Ticket Nº: 22-1356-4096-988Serial Nº: A069-07Lucky Nº: 12-13-21-26-32-39 Bonus-17File REF Nº: UKL/74-A0802742006BATCH Nº: 2006UKL-01 All participants for the online version were selected randomly from World Wide Web through computer balloting system drawn from over 100,000 names database, union associations and corporate bodies thatare listed online.This promotion is this year's United Kingdom National Lottery End of the Year bonanza. All winning must be claimed not later than 14 working days from this notification. After this time all unclaimed funds will be returned to European Union Treasury as unclaimed. Please note inorder to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your reference number in all correspondence. Contact your fiduciary agent below for claims process. MR.Brain Johnson. Tell:+44-70457-07368Tell:+44-70240-24901Tell:+44-70457-07372Tell:+44-70240-24962 Official Email: brian_johnson66@hotmail.co.uk Please note; You are hereby advice to send the asign Fiduciary Agent, details below for Processing of your Claims; FULL name:____________Age:______Sex:________Gender:___________Occupation:__________phone:_________________Address:___________________Country:____________ Congratulations once more from our members and staff and thank you for being part of our promotional program. Sincerely,Mrs Dianne ThompsonOnline Coordinator,CAMELOT GROUP,Operator of The National Lottery. Copyright © 1994-2007 The UK National Lottery Inc.All rightsreserved. Terms of Service - Guideline

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تسجيل دخول

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جزاك الله خير على التوضيح
أم ثابت
أم ثابت
فعلا ويا كثر النصابين في النت خصوصا
أفضل شيء أننا ما نفتح أي بريد يجينا من مصدر غير معلوم أو غير موثوق وبكذا نسلم من نصبهم الفاضي ومن الفيروسات كمان