السلام عليكم ورحمة
عندي يابنات قطعة وترجمته بالعربي وابي منكم تتكرمون وتعطوني رايكم وياليت تعطوني الاخطاء اللغوية والنحوية والاسلوب لان الموضوع مهم بالنسبة لي لان فيه تقييم لاسلوبي التعبيري
وياليت يكون اليوم او بكره
ولكم جزيل الشكر
Once upon a time when the man became finished with the shopping the going miaowed to sent down set up a taxi let him lead him to the house and when the taximan onced upon a time easy the taximan onced upon a time the taximan onced upon a time he saw a group of thieves alongside the bank one of the young chicken was the opening of the bank door tries and when a flight and the caravan of the car saw the taximan they gilt accelerators then the taximan did the pursuit of the young chicken but not he is able to contact the police for that not be with him telephone portable for become connected by police and a shadow he follow later on their until midnight the man was who a far afraid is with the very taximan helped him from the pursuit The stop of the thieves became soft for the petrol he pierced the car then the taximan and the man rose who is with it by sustenance of the thieves and binding and the going by them to the police station the taximan and the man became generous passing through him rated him according to value on this difficult

sende @sende
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
الصفحة الأخيرة
ياليت بس تقرونه وتعطوني الاخطاء اللغوية و النحوية و الاسلوب وبسسسسسسسسس