محتاجة مساعدة ضروري (ابغي ترجمة هذه الورقة)</STRONG>
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اخواتي ممكن تترجمون لي هذه الورقة ضروري ابغيها في اسرع وقت ممكن ارجوكم لا طنشوني.
Fixed Prices and Expenditure Plans
Most Firms Are Like Your Local Supermarket.
They set their prices, advertise their products and services, and sell the quantities their customers are willing to buy. If they persistently sell a greater quantity than they plan to and are constantly running out of inventory, they eventually raise their prices. And if they persistently sell smaller quantity than they plan to and have inventories pilling up, they eventually cut their prices. But in the very short term, their prices are fixed. They hold the prices they have set, and the quantities they sell depend on demand, not supply.
The Aggregate Implication of fixed prices
Fixed prices have two immediate implication for the economy as a whole:
1) Because each firm’s price is fixed, the price level is fixed.
2) Because demand determines the quantities that each firm sells, aggregate demand determines the aggregate quantity of goods and services sold, which equals real GDP.
So to understand the fluctuations in real GDP when the price level is fixed, we must understand aggregate demand fluctuations in aggregate demand by identifying the forces that determine expenditure plans.
Expenditure Plans
Aggregate expenditure has four components:
1. Consumption expenditure.
2. Investment
3. Government purchases of goods and services
4. Net exports (exports minus imports)
These four components of aggregate expenditure sum to real GDP (see chapter 4, pp89-90)
Aggregate planned expenditure is equal to investment plus planned government purchases of good and services plus planned exports minus planned imports.
In the very short term, planned investment, planned government purchases, and planned exports are fixed. But planned consumption expenditure and planned imports are not fixed. They depend on the level of real GDP itself.
A Two-Way Link Between Aggregate Expenditure and GDP because real GDP influences consumption expenditure and imports are components of aggregate expenditure, there is a two-way link between aggregate expenditure and GDP. Other things remaining the same,
¾ An increase in real GDP increases aggregate expenditure, and
¾ An increases in aggregate expenditure increases real GDP.
You are going to learn how this two-way link between aggregate expenditure and real GDP determines real GDP when the price level is fixed. The starting points is to consider the first piece of two-way link: the influence of real GDP on planned consumption expenditure and saving.
Consumption Function and Saving Function
Several factors influence consumption expenditure and saving. The more important ones are
¾ Real interest rate
¾ Disposable income
¾ Wealth
¾ Expenditure future income
Chapter 8 (see pp.186-188) explain how theses factors influence consumption expenditure and saving. The second factors, Disposable income, is aggregate income minus taxes plus transfer payments. And aggregate income equals real GDP. So to explore the two-way link between real GDP and planned consumption expenditure, we focus on the relationship between consumption expenditure and disposable income when the other factors are constant.
Consumption and saving plans the table in fig. 10.1 shows an example of the relationship among planned consumption expenditure, planned saving, and disposable income. It lists the consumption expenditure and the saving that people plan to understand at each level of disposable income. Notice that at each level of disposable income, consumption expenditure plus saving always equals disposable income. The reason is that households can only consume or save their disposable income. So planned consumption plus planned saving always equals disposable income.
The relationship between consumption expenditure and disposable income, other things remaining the same, is called consumption function. The relationship between saving and disposable income, other thins remaining the same, is called the saving function. Let’s beginning by studying the consumption function.
The table shows consumption expenditure and saving plans at various levels of disposable income. Part (a) of the figure shows the relationship between consumption expenditure and disposable income (the consumption function). The height of the consumption function measures consumption expenditure at each level of the disposable income. Part (b) shows the relationship between saving and disposable income (the saving function). The height of the saving function measures saving at each level of disposable income. Points A through F on the consumption and saving functions correspond to the rows in the table. The height of the 45 line in part (a) measures disposable income. So along the 45 line, consumption expenditure equals disposable income. Consumption expenditure plus saving equals disposable income. When the consumption function is above the 45 line, saving is negative (dissaving occurs). When the consumption function is below the 45 line, saving is positive. At the point where the consumption function intersects the 45 line, all disposable income is consumed and saving is zero.

om_s_ali @om_s_ali
محررة ذهبية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

مشكووووووووورة يا اختي على تقديم المساعدة اني ابغاها يوم الجمعة اذا ما عليك امر ان شاء الله
بالنسبة الى مواقع الترجمة ما اعرفها واني ما اعرف اصيغ الجمل عدل لان انجلينزيتي صفر
واغلب مواقع الترجمة ما يترجمون عدل يمكن نفس الوافي .
مشكووووووووورة يا اختي على تقديم المساعدة اني ابغاها يوم الجمعة اذا ما عليك امر ان شاء الله
بالنسبة الى مواقع الترجمة ما اعرفها واني ما اعرف اصيغ الجمل عدل لان انجلينزيتي صفر
واغلب مواقع الترجمة ما يترجمون عدل يمكن نفس الوافي .
الصفحة الأخيرة
ممكن تترجمين الورقه هذي بالنت عندك مواقع كثيرة تقدم خدمة الترجمه
سواء كانت ترجمه حرفيه او لا
ممكن تعطيني خبر متى تحتاجينها عشان احاول اساعدك فيها بسرعه