السلام عليكم
ي بنات يستركم دنيا واخخخره اختباري بكرا
الله يرضا عنكم صحححووووووووووووووووووووووووه لي
I am going to write about the worst weather in my country
The worst weather in Jeddah. In summer always very hot and humid it is hardly every rains. Some people travel to abha . because
The weather is very nice
usually it is worm winter
people do many activities for example they go to the beach
I dislike the weather in Jeddah
Because it is hot
But it is big and beautiful . when people visit Jeddah go to the sea and see the kind Fahd fountain too
Thank you for reading
البرقراف التاني
I am going to write about the best weather in my country the best weather is in my abha
It is usually nice in summer most people in ksa visit abha because of mild weather. Temperature in summer does not exceed 30c . it often rain in summer.
In winter it is cold and rainy people stay at home . the temperature in winter is less than 5c.
I like the weather in abha because I like to go out in summer

حلم قمر @hlm_kmr
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
الصفحة الأخيرة
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