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كيف التسجيل ؟؟
الجوري الناعس18
حياك الله في الدروس
حلي التمارين معانا حبيبتي
مرافئ الاحلام
حبيبتي جوري حابة اشارك معاكم ينفع والا لا مع العلم اني اطلعت على الجزء الاول واستفدت كثير وطبقت وحليت التمارين وطلعت شاطرة ههههه
هل ينفع اسجل الان وين الاقي دروس وتمارين الجزء الثاني؟؟
الجوري الناعس18
المواضيع موجودة ومثبتة في قسم اللغة الإنجليزية
وفقك الله ^_^
dorat aseer
dorat aseer
التمرينات التمرين الأول Put the verbs into the correct form (past continous) ضعي الفعل الذي بين القوسين في الصيغة الصحيحة 1I tried to tell them the truth but they (was not listen) to me (were not listening 2 While John was working in his room, his friends (swim) there swimming 3 I (practise) the guitar when he came home I was practiseing 4When I phoned my friends, they (play) monopoly were playing 5 What (was she do ) yesterday? was she doing your mark out of 5 is Find out the verbs that in past continuous استخرجي من الفقرة الأفعال التي في زمن الماضي المستمر while I was studying to be a secretary he was studying to be a teacher and we lived on the same street in Granada,when I was going out with his best friend Javi, the Boy was going out with my best friend Margarita. This is an old story but I like thinking about the past , I met the Boy again two years ago in our English Club in Mijas called The Happy Verby Gang.We were talking for hours about the past times your mark out of 5 is
التمرينات التمرين الأول Put the verbs into the correct form (past continous) ضعي الفعل...

Ask question
كوني سؤال في كل جملة على أن تكون الكلمة اللي تحتها خط
هي الجواب

1 Whow was leaving the shop when the policeman came?

2What were the teachers correcting? tests

3What was Mandy playing while Jack was doing his homework?

Was Henry waiting for the bus?

Where was Our plane flying when the accident happened?
التمرين الثاني كانت الاجابات كلها صحيحه بس مااعرفت ادرجه في الرد اذا ظروري ادراجه اعطيني الطريقه والله لا يحرمك الاجر