بنت ابوها
بنت ابوها
i neeeeeed like this chatting desperately
i forgot what i have learned through the years
so i'll try to be around most of the time to chat with all of you
:) Thanks a lot Shahd for your welcoming

:) Nobody is here, all right see you soon
ملامح طفلة
ملامح طفلة
شهد بنت كويسه
@راجية رضا الله@
hello there>>
i'm very very happy u know y?
cuz u got it>>
its simply a chatting room where we can improve oue language>>
if any memeber noticed a language mistake should remind it as aquote
did u get it?

this way


wat else?
im sorry icudnt be online most of the time>>
i got the idea and put it here
ملامح طفلة
ملامح طفلة
hi every body>>
to all of u

if u like yo use a new word in ur reply..
plz write its meaning in arabic so every one will learn

lets talk abt


how did u learn english???
ملامح طفلة
ملامح طفلة
about me..
b4 intermediate school
i learnt eng with a teacher
that was v.gud 4 me..
cuz if u learnt sumthing in childhood its better this other time