عبير الزهور

عبير الزهور @aabyr_alzhor

عضوة شرف في عالم حواء

A friend is !!

اللغة الأنجليزية

This is a test of the Emergency Friendship System

....... A Friend....

(A)ccepts you as you are

(B)elieves in "you"

(C)alls you just to say "HI"

(D)oesn't give up on you

(E)nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)

(F)orgives your mistakes

(G)ives unconditionally

(H)elps you

(I)nvites you over

(J)ust "be" with you

(K)eeps you close at heart

(L)oves you for who you are

(M)akes a difference in your life

(N)ever Judges

(O)ffer support

(P)icks you up

(Q)uiets your fears

(R)aises your spirits

(S)ays nice things about you

(T)ells you the truth when you need tohear it

(U)nderstands you

(V)alues you

(W)alks beside you

(X)-plains thing you don't understand

(Y)ells when you won't listen and

(Z)aps you back to reality

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

اهلين عبورة نورتي المنتدى بطلتك الحلوة ترى لكِ غيبة طويلة الحمد لله علىالسلامة:26: :24:

رائع جداًA)ccepts you as you are
يوم خريف
يوم خريف
مشاركة رائعة
In fact , I liked this: (P)icks you up
خخخخخخخخخخخ:23: :23: :23: