A Grat teacher once told me

اللغة الأنجليزية

From the greatest teacher I have ever met

It was my first day in collage, Feb. 2004

I arrived 30 minutes early, and before the class started I felt that I need water.
The professor entered the class 10 seconds before I do, as soon as I sat down he called me "late" try to find something to clean the board with.

And that name "late" taught me the priority of time


Once again with that great teacher.... when I entered his office

I had a little make up on... he told me to sit down

as soon as I sat, I noticed an angry person

he said : a true beauty comes from the inside
a true beauty is a respectful reputation
a true beauty is when a girl passes by
everybody says " masha' Allah
a girl's true beauty is what she protect and guard for her husband

and those words taught me that a true teacher is a true parent

As a teacher I learned from a great teacher

The love of education comes within every true Muslim
The value of education is #one priority to understand
The purpose of education is to open minds
The environment of education is both love and care
The ultimate goal of education is the HEAVEN

Once a great teacher told me
True teachers are never made, true teachers are born to be


To every great teacher I introduce
Dr. Osama A. Al-Kandary
The greatest teacher I have ever met

Ghadeer Safak Al-Mutairi

:26: From Hawaa world with love

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

كلام الحب
كلام الحب
thank u

u write this article
Yes My dear
when man speaks about greatest people he/she have ever met
only the special words comes out unconsciously
unfortunatly, what ever i wrote about this man , i think nothing would ever match his deeds towards me
When somebody asks you to name one of the greatest teacher ever
pleeeeeeeeeeeeease mention
Dr. Osama A. Al-Kandary

وحي الكلمات
وحي الكلمات
god pless you