I have a special place
deep within my heart
its not very big
but its the most important part...
Its bright and cozy,
quite warm indeed;
colored with charm
yet never greed
There is no anger,
nor regret, nor sorrow,
its full of joy
and thoughts of tomorrow
This spot I've saved so carefully
to share with but a few.
It's full of happy memories...
the ones I keep of you.
This precious place within my heart
I've set aside with care
to hold on to every special moment
of the friendship that we share.
You are a priceless treasure
just in case you didn't know...
you mean so very much to me
And I just had to tell you so

موجه زرقاء @mogh_zrkaaa
محررة برونزية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

الصفحة الأخيرة
thanks so much honey