Many people would think that no one know them better than themselves
I'm one of those people
one professor proved me wrong
Dr. Moosa Al-Juwaiser
one of the few personality experts in Kuwait
I stood in front of this man for like 10 minutes
he only looked at me once
I asked him one question
and I wished I didn't
He kept answering the question in lots lots lots and lots of questions
I was shook when keep asking me ANSWER ANSWER
I knew the answer
I couldn't say it
Do you know why
because I didn't have faith in myself
which he definitely fixed
the whole loud voice of his
the staring from his eyes
would for sure
make you live the moment
in the fear of embarrassment
His main purpose for this
to release you from you limitations
to the world of challenge
facing every fear you got
I went home that day well shook from the inside
my eyes were wide open
my mind was totally absent
I kept asking myself
Why didn't I say this
why didn't I say that
I didn't have anything that would put out my fire except
one thing
My passion
my love
my beloved escape
my sharpest sword
my wisest word
my royal room
The relief after a sad day is a poem
The picture of a good memory is a poem
The reflection of a true feeling if a poem
The prove of a given talent is a poem
So the poem is every thing I got
To Dr. Moosa Al-Juwaiser
I wrote…….
Who am I ?
I ask myself why?
I repeat this Question, and I mention,
who am I?
I want to live, I don't want to die,
Unless I achieve what I've strongly believe.
You know me and I don't,
You said knowing myself that I wont,
Truly face, or be in front?.
Shake me not, but do cut,
What's frightens me, what's preventing me,
From being a star and shine up so far.
I believe in crossing seas, climbing mountains,
And ignorance release.
I want to be, what you resembled me, even more of what I could see.
I could see beyond the horizon,
beyond the limits, above all mountains.
With Allah's guide,
I shall lead the disobedient spirit,
Beyond the horizon, beyond the limits.
And I promised myself and you,
To walk the path the way you do.
To walk the days in different ways,
One is wining, other is failure,
Never give up and always raise
The flag of glory when passing the maze.
Climbing mountains and crossing seas,
Achieved with a will not with ease,
Here and now I want to say;
" am ready for this, but show me how?"
Poetry by:
Ghadeer Safak Al-Mutairi

)(Twinkle_Star)( @twinkle_star
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