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كبيرة محررات

Accent Reduction

اللغة الأنجليزية

Many studients ask the question "Can I change my accent, and if so, how?" The answer to that question will be a little different for each person. Changing your accent is very much like learning a new language. You'll need to learn and practice new ways to form words. Younger people are usually more flexible in learning new languages, and will also be quicker in picking up changes in their accent. Adults will have a more difficult time changing, or reducing, an accent. For some, it may be little more than a minor challenge, while others may find the challenge nearly impossible.

Most countries have slight (to major) changes in dialect or accent in different parts of the country. For example, in the US, people in Texas speak with a different accent from those in California or New York. It's all American English, but the way each region forms the words is slightly different. If you've ever stayed for any length of time in a different part of your country, or traveled to another country that speaks your language, you probably noticed that you began to "pick up" the inflections, phrasing, and "quirks" of that region or country's version of the language. This is a very simple form of accent modification.

Top Ten Tips For Reducing Your Accent

:27:Watch the mouth movements of native speakers
Observe the mouth movements of native English speakers. Repeat what they are saying, imitating the intonation and rhythm of their speech. (This is perhaps best practiced while you're watching television!)

:27:Slow down!
Until you learn the correct intonation and rhythm of English, slow down your speech. If you speak too quickly with the wrong intonation and rhythm, native speakers will have a difficult time understanding you.

:27:Use your dictionary
Become familiar with the phonetic symbols of your dictionary and look up the correct pronunciation of words that are hard for you to say.

:27:Ask someone for help
Make a list of frequently used words that are difficult for you to pronounce and ask a native speaker to pronounce them for you. Record these words, listen to them, and practice saying them.

:27:Listen to books on cassette tape
Listen and read at the same time. Record yourself reading some sections of the book. Compare the sound of your English with that of the speaker.

:27:Pay attention to word endings
Pronounce the ending of each word. Pay special attention to "-s" and "-ed" endings on verbs. Sometimes the "-s/-es" ending on verbs sounds like /s/ (e.g. eat s ), sometimes like /z/ (e.g. play s ), and sometimes like /iz/ (e.g. wash es ). Past tense regular verb endings sometimes sound like /d/ (e.g. play ed ), sometimes like /id/ (e.g. wait ed ), and sometimes like /t/ (e.g. wash ed ).

:27:Read aloud!
Read aloud in English, such as a novel or the newspaper, for fifteen to twenty minutes each day. This will help you strengthen the mouth muscles that you use when you speak English. Research has shown that it takes about three months of daily practice to develop strong mouth muscles for speaking a new language.

:27:Listen to yourself!
Record your own voice and listen for pronunciation mistakes. This is an excellent exercise because it will help you become conscious of the mistakes that you are making.

:27:Be patient!
You can change the way you speak but it won't happen overnight. People often expect instant results and give up too soon. You can change the way you sound if you are willing to put some effort into it.


يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

It is important to know how to pronounce each word and I think I am pretty familiar with the use of the trancriptions but listening to native speakers is completely different. I usually became so depressed when I try to pracise any word that has the letter
( T) .
ريح الجنان
ريح الجنان
Thank you sister

هناك امر صغير لكن فعال في تحسين اللكنة
وهو ....(وصل الكلمات)....
لا تنطقو الكلمات بعيدة جدا عن بعضها و لكن متصلة حسب النقاط التالية
1. اذا انتهت كلمة بصوت و ابتدت الثانية بنفس الصوت فيجب ان تنطق متصلة كصوت و احد
Is Sally here?

كما نرى Is تنتهى ب s و Sally تبتدي ب s

و عليه يجب ان تنطق ( إسالي هير) و ليس از سالي هير

ولاحظو رجاءا ان هذا ينطبق تماما على الاصوات القابلة للادغام مثل ما في التجويد تماما

2. اعملو نفس الشي مع الاصوات T و D
last dinner
تنطق (لاسدنر) بدون اي سكتة خفيفة بين الكلمتين

وهناك غير هذة القواعد لكن الرجاء التدرب و ملاحظة ورود هذة الامثلة عند الاستماع لاي نصوص اجنبية اولا ثم المتابعة

والله ولى التوفيق
لا يمكنك مشاهدة هذا التعليق لانتهاكه شروط الاستخدام.
that's right ...

you are welcome dear..

omass omass :
It is important to know how to pronounce each word and I think I am pretty familiar with the use of the trancriptions but listening to native speakers is completely different. I usually became so depressed when I try to pracise any word that has the letter ( T) .
It is important to know how to pronounce each word and I think I am pretty familiar with the use...
It's really depressing ...but with more work you will overcome this problem-i hope.

