دندونه و مرموره @dndonh_o_mrmorh
عضوة جديدة
arabs and US
The U.S. will kill off all Arabs one by one in order to get to the oil under
your lands. The U.S. government will declare all anti-Americanism terrorism and
will use it to kill off all Arabs as terrorist to American ways. In this U.S.
people think Arabs lands are free for the taking the only thing America has to
do is move over or kill off the local peoples by either paying your Prince to
kill you or by getting your government in trouble and then killing you in a war
on terrorism. If you think your free to do what ever you want in your lands,
think again, that's why you have a prince instead of a president. The British
and the U.S. will never want your countries strong and Independent from there
influence and or power. You Arabs or Muslims are Americas pushovers, people the
white Americans can move or kill off.
Think I'm wrong look what is happening to your people in the U.S. and England
where they are out numbered. They are always being watched and spied on to make
sure you do not protest against what America does in your lands. If you speak
out against American corruption or protest against American ways you will be
jailed as terrorist and then killed off after 2 or 3 years of prison. I wish
this was not true but look what they have done to any and all Arabs since 911.
They have jailed all Arabs that look Arab with out cause and or trial.
What the government will do next is fake evidence and paper work accusing these
people of terrorism and then kill them off one by one with out trial in secret.
The Arabs in Cuba will be kill off one by one and then flushed down a toilet
into the sea of Cuba. Watch!!
How many soldiers went in to Cuba alive? How many are there now? How many have
been killed or poisoned or tortured or beaten??? How many will the U.S. tell you
are alive. Will the U.S. admit it has kill some or tortured some of them? NO !!!
Will the U.S. admit it has faked or lied to the world about these issues.
NO!!!!. The U.S. can do what ever it wants with your Arab lives.
American Justice is just for Americans if you are not American you are not
If you are not American you able to be killed, tortured, hung, beaten, whipped,
crushed and burned when ever the Americans feel like it. There is no fair and
equal justice but in the U.S. If you are in Cuba you are fish bate.
Think I am wrong, watch all men that went into Cuba will be kill off and
The U.S. only cares about Americans and will kill off all people who are against
Americas interests.
Watch and see your Arab lands are Americas and England's forever.
I wish it was not true.
Best thing to do is call to get Mexico, Chile, Russia, Canada, Cuba, Russia,
China, Japan, and the E.U. and that will support to force America to change by
getting the local people to protect around the world against American corruption
and Injustice. Use embargoes or boycotts or sanction against the U.S. from every
country till the U.S. changes. The governments of the world are subject to the
peoples demands. And The E.U. will be the best move against the U.S. along with
If you let this corruption continue all Arabs will be dead.
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

الصفحة الأخيرة
Unfortunately, This is the reality!!
They kill us by our knives!!
May Allah protect Muslims everywhere.