
ahmed @ahmedaali774

عضوة جديدة

barni khajoor price


  • barni khajoor price
  • barni khajoor dates are 100% natural
  • product, they are a wet fruit with an approximate daily consumption of 2.5 pieces per day.
  • barni khajoor dates are delicious highly nutritious and are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and free of preservatives, dates are energy boosters, lower in sodium and cholesterol, with many of which helps with reducing age related problems and improves overall health and general well being.
  • barni khajoor products are gluten free, no artificial colorings or preservatives are added to the product which is free of preservatives, and have no GMO.
  • barni khajoor promotes healthy lifestyle products which always the best option. In addition, they support Fair Trade and sustainable agriculture. Dates are wet and have numerous nutritional benefits that are required by the body, this help in good health. Dates have high amount of dietary fiber which helps in digestion and acts as an appetizer to a plate.
  • The iron content in dates protects your bones, teeth and overall health and Free of trans fats. Moreover, it is high in fiber. Dates are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, B12, Folate, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese, Selenium, Iron, Manganese, Zinc and Vitamin E

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