Be proud of being Muslim
It is a perfect article by this American writer that was published by (Arab News) published under the title (an open message to the Saudis) What a wonderful message spoken by the non-Muslim people of awareness and reason and fairness of the men and women who saw the truth of what we set out of being Muslim. American writer says
Wear the Hijab, and my inability to drive during the time I spent in the Kingdom it doesn't caused me any problem, and after four weeks, flew to Atlanta, I was wearing Hijab, not only to test the reactions of Americans, but because it was comfortable and practical for me, and realized from the first time in my life that men talk to me with the utmost respect and appreciation, without having a physical impact of the appreciation). These words remind me of her speech (Princess Diana) after visiting Riyadh, years before her death and lived for days with women because of the Saudi's social rules, said: I never expected to enjoy this psychological comfort, which I found in the isolation of women's society of men, where women are from the gazes of curiosity that hurt their feelings by men who can not leave their inherent in the habit of observing the woman's body,(Tania really) it should be all of the doubts about the values of his country and the uniqueness of its culture needs to re-read it several times. She speaks to Saudi men and women, saying to them
You have many things which should make you proud, but your good morality allowed the West to set foot on your land and accuse you of being a threat of democracy, and you must not allow this thing to see the light. It is a special message to every Saudi girl who's her illusions led to exposing her body and her charms and attacked some kind of the conservatism in her country
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
اشكرك حبيبتي عالمرور
بس اعتقد انها قد جات عندنا
وثانكيو اقين <<<مافيه احول اللغه للانجلش
بس اعتقد انها قد جات عندنا
وثانكيو اقين <<<مافيه احول اللغه للانجلش
الصفحة الأخيرة
مشكورة ميعاد على الموضوع الأكثر من رائع .......