recently,i bought a gold pendent ,in wich the shahada was written.
all my friends ask me not to wear it because,,i shouldn't go to toilet wearing ism allah,like this.
plz,my sisters,i want an answer.wajazakoumalloukhayran

mounia @mounia
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

baraka allahou fiki ya oukhti al-aziza,
but in that case,i think i'll remove it from my neck,because it's not practical,,to put it on and remove it several times a day,bearing in mind that i'm pregnant!:44:
but in that case,i think i'll remove it from my neck,because it's not practical,,to put it on and remove it several times a day,bearing in mind that i'm pregnant!:44:

ok..i think it's more practical to put it under your clothes when you go to
toilet , so it will not be exposed to outside as if you are not wearing it
w allah yqwmeq bl slame w yba'tlek walad saleh
toilet , so it will not be exposed to outside as if you are not wearing it
w allah yqwmeq bl slame w yba'tlek walad saleh

of course not, dear Monia !!!! the name of Allah should be respected.
do not buy this pendant,and you should burn the one you have
best wishes from,
Rainy heart.:26:
do not buy this pendant,and you should burn the one you have
best wishes from,
Rainy heart.:26:

choukran baaiatou wouroud and rainy heart ala ijaba,but frankly,.i think between your two answers,i'll choose to keep it somewhere and wear it only occasionally when i have a function and i'll make sure that i won't go to toilet while wearing it.
oukhty,rainy heart,ihave already bought it,and i don't think i'll burn it,.it's expensive after all,,and as i told u,to avoid sayiat,i'll keep it in my jewlary box,and frankly,why these people make such jewalary if it can create troubles !
to people,especially that it's made in SAoudi Arabia,
baati wouroud,jazaki allahou khayran ala daawatik,bidawri atamana laki wa ila rainy heart wa koul akhawat filmountada,tamam saha wal-afiya.amin rabi alamin
choukran baaiatou wouroud and rainy heart ala ijaba,but frankly,.i think between your two answers,i'll choose to keep it somewhere and wear it only occasionally when i have a function and i'll make sure that i won't go to toilet while wearing it.
oukhty,rainy heart,ihave already bought it,and i don't think i'll burn it,.it's expensive after all,,and as i told u,to avoid sayiat,i'll keep it in my jewlary box,and frankly,why these people make such jewalary if it can create troubles !
to people,especially that it's made in SAoudi Arabia,
baati wouroud,jazaki allahou khayran ala daawatik,bidawri atamana laki wa ila rainy heart wa koul akhawat filmountada,tamam saha wal-afiya.amin rabi alamin
الصفحة الأخيرة
there is no problem if u wear it , but MAKE SURE to remove it
before going to toilet ; i.e. as ur friends told u..
your sister : ba'eat al worood..