can you helpe my-هناك موضوع خاص بالترجمة تمنع المواضيع المستقلة

اللغة الأنجليزية

هلا بنات ابيكم اترجمونى لى هذه الجمل الله يسعدكم

falling in love!-1

laughing till yours stomach hurts2
3Enjoying ride down b the country side
4lisetening to your favartite song on the radio
Going to sleep listening to the rain pouring out side 5
Gitting out of the shower and wrapping your self with awarm fuzzy towel6
passingyour finl exams with good grades7
8Being part of on intreresting conversation
finding some money in some old pants 9
laughing at yourself 10
11sharing awonderful donrer with all your frindds
laughing with out areason12
Acciden taly hearing some one say something good about you 13
14Receiving or giving your first kiss
feeling this movement in your body when seeing this special someore

هذا الموضوع مغلق.

خليك أول من تشارك برأيها   💁🏻‍♀️