:29: hi all
am really sad this daye i had chiken pox one month ago :06: :06: :06: :06: :06: now theres a hols dark marks every where espacially in my face ..............can any one help me pleaseeeeeeeeeee .

BINTalnoor @bintalnoor
محررة فضية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

شويعني جكن بكس؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ظ

يا honey lipesمعناته باللغه العاميه عنقز وباللغه العلميه الجدري المائي فهي تبغي علاج للبقع التي في وجهها

the cat
you can use powdered pomegranete mixed with pure honey over the
black holes for a month or more
black holes for a month or more

hi all:29: :29: :29:
thanks.....u didnt know how much that ment to me to feel theres alot of nice caring people like u ........but please if some body find more sulotions for my case i want to know that ........thanks alot
take care:06: :06: :06: :06: :06: :06:
thanks.....u didnt know how much that ment to me to feel theres alot of nice caring people like u ........but please if some body find more sulotions for my case i want to know that ........thanks alot
take care:06: :06: :06: :06: :06: :06:
الصفحة الأخيرة