Aiming for balance @aiming_for_balance
عضوة جديدة
Come in and practice your English :-)
,Salam all
I'm starting this post for those who would like to practice their English writing and conversation skills in a fun and friendly atmosphere. I can help correct any small mistakes or errors I notice. I'm not here to judge anyone so no worries. Feel free to discuss anything that comes to mind: life, school, fashion, kids and family, food, etc
I'll start with myself: I'm a wife and mom of four kids, ages 12, 6, 5, and 2. I spent most of my life abroad and I've been back with my family for two years now. I have a background in science. I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes. I also like surfing the web for products that interest me. I'm not really good with social media like Facebook and Instagram but I just started myself there . I'm very passionate about the environment and wildlife and I love the moto: live and let live.
Since this is my first post here I will translate it just to get others encouraged inshalla but then we can continue in English
السلام عليكم،
أريد أبدأ بوست جديد للي يريدون يمارسوا الكتابة والمحادثة بالانجليزي في جو مرح وحبوب. أقدر أصلح غلطات صغيرة قد ألاحظها. أنا لست هنا حتى أنقد لغة أي شخص بشكل سلبي. يمكن التحدث بأي موضوع تحبونه: الحياة بشكل عام، الدراسة، الموضة، الأطفال والعائلة، الغذاء، ....
راح أبدأ بنفسي: أنا زوجة وأم لأربع أطفال بأعمار ١٢ و٦ و٥ و٢. مضيت معظم حياتي بالخارج وصرلي راجعة مع عائلتي سنتين. خلفيتي الدراسية بالعلوم. بحب الطبخ وأجرب وصفات جديدة. أحب كمان أدور على النت لشغلات وأغراض تهمني. ما إلي بالتواصل الأجتماعي مثل فيسبوك وانستاغرام بس جديد بديت نفسي هناك. عندي عشق للطبيعة والحياة الفطرية وأحب المقولة: عيش وخلي غيرك يعيش
أنا ترجمت أول بوست هنا ميشان أشجع غيري يبدأ معي إن شاء الله وبعدها انكمل بالإنجليزي.
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

.Your efforts and waiting time have been fruitful....First of all, Let me thank you for such an amazing threat that you’ve created. Excellent way to improve our English..Let me tell you that, there is a common thing between me and you, Which is both of us aren’t good with social media apps.. -Actually I hate them so much – you have no idea how much-..I’ll keep training here with you, I would ask you if you have ever noticed a mistake in my writing PLEASE guide me to correct it, I know that I have problems with TENSES.!!...Thank you again and may God bless you and your four little angels

Awesome! Somebody just like me. I've been fiddling around with Facebook for the last hour and still, I'm as clueless as before, lol. I guess I'll the hang of it......one day inshalla. I've corrected some very minor errors in your post and placed the corrections between brackets. Keep up the posting. Like they say: practice makes perfect.
Your efforts and waiting time have been fruitful....First of all, Let (let) me thank you for such an amazing threat (thread) that you’ve created. Excellent way to improve our English..Let me tell you that, (delete comma) there is a common thing between me and you (you and me), Which is (no need for "which is" and replace with colon : )both of us aren’t good with social media apps.. -Actually (comma) I hate them so much – you have no idea how much-..I’ll keep training here with you, I would ask you (delete you and replace with that) if you have ever (delete have ever) noticed (notice) a mistake in my writing PLEASE guide me to (remove guide it to) correct it (optional add for me), I know that I have problems with TENSES.!!...Thank you again
Your efforts and waiting time have been fruitful....First of all, Let (let) me thank you for such an amazing threat (thread) that you’ve created. Excellent way to improve our English..Let me tell you that, (delete comma) there is a common thing between me and you (you and me), Which is (no need for "which is" and replace with colon : )both of us aren’t good with social media apps.. -Actually (comma) I hate them so much – you have no idea how much-..I’ll keep training here with you, I would ask you (delete you and replace with that) if you have ever (delete have ever) noticed (notice) a mistake in my writing PLEASE guide me to (remove guide it to) correct it (optional add for me), I know that I have problems with TENSES.!!...Thank you again

Thanks for correcting my mistakes. I've discover another type of problems I should take care of
which is Punctuation Marks..You're right, practice makes perfect.I'll do my best to make my writing skills as well as yours.of course with your help.Thank you again and have a nice day
: )
which is Punctuation Marks..You're right, practice makes perfect.I'll do my best to make my writing skills as well as yours.of course with your help.Thank you again and have a nice day
: )

وعليكم السلام
طب انا أبي أتعلم لكن بس اعرف الحروف والأرقام واعرف اقرأ 😢
ما اعرف اكتب او احاور بس اعرف كلمات بسيطه 😭
طب انا أبي أتعلم لكن بس اعرف الحروف والأرقام واعرف اقرأ 😢
ما اعرف اكتب او احاور بس اعرف كلمات بسيطه 😭
الصفحة الأخيرة
No one yet to practice their English with me? I guess I’ll keep writing here myself until we get some encouragement
Every morning my kids like to have their chocolate milk as soon as they open their eyes. I hate giving them prepackaged milk due to environmental reasons. Therefore, I opt to make their milk by simply mixing plain milk with some chocolate syrup. I also don’t like the pre-made chocolate syrup since we go through it so fast and it’s just another addition to waste landfills. So once a month, with three simple ingredients (sugar, water, and cocoa), I make a liter of chocolate syrup, cool it down and place it in a large squirt bottle. No unknown additives, less plastic waste and happy kids! Yay