السلام عليكم
كيفكم جميعا انا جايه اليوم اطلب خدمه
ابي افكار بالعربي
عن تعلم اللغات وانا التيم حقي Agreeيعني مع تعلم اللغات
ابغا كم فكره تدحض حجة الفريق الثاني اللي هم ضد تعلم اللغات
بليييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييز اللي عندها خبره تقولي بالعربي وانا اترجمها
بليز بنات قبل يوم الثلاثاء الله يجزاكم الجنه:27:
بالتوفييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييق للجميع

دلع% @dlaa_51
محررة ذهبية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تفضلي اختي
مع العلم انا مع تعدد اللغات لكن بعد سن الطفوووله
هذا مقال اعجبني عن ثنائي اللغه
وللعلم فيه دووول تساوى عندهم اللغه الثانيه مع الغه الام
وفيه بعضهم متمسكين باللغه الام مثل كندا
Bilingual education is a topic that still needs a lot of valid experimental research. Most of the research in the area favors bilingual education, but all of them also suggest that more research needs to be done in order to have more definite results. Because some of these studies are not one hundred percent conclusive they leave room for retaliation from opponents of bilingual education.
An example of a good scientific research article is "A Synthesis of Research on Language of Reading Instruction for English Language Learners" from Slavin and Cheung. They analyzed a varied research on the topic of bilingual education and reached a conclusion that favors bilingual education instead of English immersion programs.
Of the 17 qualifying studies examined, 12 showed positive results of bilingual education in a child's academic performance. Not one single study supported English immersion programs, while 5 studies found no differences between English immersion and bilingual education classes.
Proponents of bilingual education believe that teaching children in their native language is very important because it provides the children with a valuable skill that is of great necessity to the world today. Besides the economic and social reasons there is also the need to help these students maintain a connection with their heritage, and learning their native language is a very important part of this process.
The bilingual advocates base their claims on the vast evidence that the better reading skills the children develop in their native language the more likely they are to excel their reading performance in English. On the other hand, bilingual education opponents believe that receiving instructions in languages other than English delays the children's development of the English language. This results in the inferior placement of these children within American society, which dramatically hinders their chances to have a successful life.
The future of bilingual education is uncertain. I believe that it will become more necessary than ever in most schools due to the No Child Left Behind Act. This act requires that schools nationwide show adequate yearly progress of all students in order to keep receiving federal funding. All of a sudden it became really important, for the future of schools, that English Language Learners really learn English and all other material very well. As long as it benefits the students I do not think we should worry about the real reason of why schools are improving the quality of their education.
مع العلم انا مع تعدد اللغات لكن بعد سن الطفوووله
هذا مقال اعجبني عن ثنائي اللغه
وللعلم فيه دووول تساوى عندهم اللغه الثانيه مع الغه الام
وفيه بعضهم متمسكين باللغه الام مثل كندا
Bilingual education is a topic that still needs a lot of valid experimental research. Most of the research in the area favors bilingual education, but all of them also suggest that more research needs to be done in order to have more definite results. Because some of these studies are not one hundred percent conclusive they leave room for retaliation from opponents of bilingual education.
An example of a good scientific research article is "A Synthesis of Research on Language of Reading Instruction for English Language Learners" from Slavin and Cheung. They analyzed a varied research on the topic of bilingual education and reached a conclusion that favors bilingual education instead of English immersion programs.
Of the 17 qualifying studies examined, 12 showed positive results of bilingual education in a child's academic performance. Not one single study supported English immersion programs, while 5 studies found no differences between English immersion and bilingual education classes.
Proponents of bilingual education believe that teaching children in their native language is very important because it provides the children with a valuable skill that is of great necessity to the world today. Besides the economic and social reasons there is also the need to help these students maintain a connection with their heritage, and learning their native language is a very important part of this process.
The bilingual advocates base their claims on the vast evidence that the better reading skills the children develop in their native language the more likely they are to excel their reading performance in English. On the other hand, bilingual education opponents believe that receiving instructions in languages other than English delays the children's development of the English language. This results in the inferior placement of these children within American society, which dramatically hinders their chances to have a successful life.
The future of bilingual education is uncertain. I believe that it will become more necessary than ever in most schools due to the No Child Left Behind Act. This act requires that schools nationwide show adequate yearly progress of all students in order to keep receiving federal funding. All of a sudden it became really important, for the future of schools, that English Language Learners really learn English and all other material very well. As long as it benefits the students I do not think we should worry about the real reason of why schools are improving the quality of their education.

^ احــلام مبعـــثره ^
الله يجزاكي الجنه من جد ساعديني انتي والاخت moody99
والله من جد ساعدوني
الله يجزاكن كل خير ويسدد خطاكن ويرزقكن ماتتمنن
اللهم امين
الله يجزاكي الجنه من جد ساعديني انتي والاخت moody99
والله من جد ساعدوني
الله يجزاكن كل خير ويسدد خطاكن ويرزقكن ماتتمنن
اللهم امين
الصفحة الأخيرة