dloo3t zoge بليز ساعديني..

اللغة الأنجليزية

حبيبتي انا كتبت موضوع من قبل بس للأسف محد فيسني فارجو انك تساعديني اذا تعرفين في

موضوعي واذا ما تعرفين اوكي بعد مشكورة بالصراحة انا شفت جهدك في امنتدى وما شاء الله عليكِ

شاطرة في الانجليزي وان شاء الله ما تخيبيني..

suppose you are a person who has alwayes dreamed of owning a
business but never had the money to start one , recenntly , you have approached the small business Develovement Agency , you have been informed that you will be provided BD 12,000 as an interest -free loan to repaid over 5 years on convenient installment payments.

consider the following points

**The available option **

**which option are you going to choose **

**The specific resources you shold consider in starting your business , **

**THE form of business that would be best for you, **

** Te advantages and disadvanteges aasociated with boththe form of business ownership and the size of the business**

اني فكرت اسوي عن محل كمبيوترات سمول بزنس وحلو يناسب المبلغ المعطاة انتو شرايكم

فكروا لي في شىء حلو وحاولو لو اتسوون بس الممقدمة اذا ما قدرتوا..

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

dalo3a zoje
dalo3a zoje
هلا حيببتي أنوار البحرين أنا فكرت بني أكتبلك موضع عن الحضانة و ايش يبغالها اذا ما عجبك قوليلي و بشوفلك شي ثاني ok?
Day Care Center

1)description of the center:
what this center will offer?
it'll offer a service that will take care of children from the age of a month to four years old maximum.
It'll start from 8 am til 2 pm, then there is a break, after that the center will open again from 4 pm til 8 pm.
transportation will be availabe to who can't drive their children to and from the center.
Health care will be availabe in the center by dealing with the nearst medical center to cure and provide the center with all the needed medicine for the children.
Children will eat snacks at the center after the parents approval.
All the activities and education will be provided and tought to the children by professional staff members.

2)the component of the center
a spacious 200 meter square room with air condition and wooden floor.
A small bedroom with air condition that contains 6 small beds.
bathroom with small toilets and sinks that matches the children height and size.
Cabinets that children can store their clothes and objects they are given.
Staff room so staff can have a break and change their outfit.
A safe colorful kitchen that can provide children & staff with meals and snacks.
a small room for laundry.
a mini van to transport the children to and from the center.

3) human resources for the center
1 driver
5 nannies
1 manager or supervisor

advantages and disadvantages:
1) advantages:
helps parents with their children
day care are very limited, so this business will be a big success

needs lot of money it cost 100,000SR
needs a lot of publicity
needs a professional nannies
أنوار البحرين
زين الموضوع بس مو طويل وهم يبون على الاقل 500 كلمة اذا ما قدرتي اوكي لانك عطيتيني مقدمة

حلوة ومعلومات وايد حطيتيها فشكررررررررررررا جزيلا والله يوفقك في حياتك يارب..
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dalo3a zoje
حياتي أنوار البحرين هذا زي outline
يعني تقدرين تحطينها بجمل كاملة و تزودين عليها كلام و صور
أنوار البحرين