ُExercises section(قسم التمارين والواجبات)خاص بأم الفزعات

اللغة الأنجليزية

Rewrite these sentences with the correct form as you have studied?

came he too late

slowly drives Salem

takes she a nice shower

Give two sentences using the standard you have studied already:


Please try >>>??

to be better

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

الام الحنون 2
الام الحنون 2
aseel go to school
He came too late
Salem drives slowly
She takes a nice shower
I study English
I love Um Alfazat
Thank you very much
please keep going teacher Iam waiting
أم الفزعات جات

الام الحنون 2

How are you my dear ?

lets go to your sentence to see if there is somthing wrong or not

you have said:

aseel go to school

it seems my dear you have two mistakes here be aware of
first :you start the statement with small letter a in aseel
so in the begining of any sentence you must start with capital letter rather than small one so it becomes Aseel with capital A

second :the verb go sould be followed by s my dear because we have the subject is feminine

any way thank u really and I wish you try the other exercises

see you later :26:
أم الفزعات جات



my dear

ten out of ten

you have done all ecercises >Really I appreciate your effort

Oh , I like this statement so much

I love Um Alfazat

and I love you my dear as much as you

keep in touch >>
الام الحنون 2
الام الحنون 2
مرحبا أم الفزعات جات 000اسم على مسمى
تراني ميح في الانجليزي واسمحيلي ارد على الاشياء اللى فهمتها000
اولا سالتيني وش اخبارك000ثم اللى فهمته من كلامك ان عندي غلط وهو ليش ما بدات الاسم بحرف كبير A
verb , واللى بعده ما فهمت قصدك وشكراااا اكثر من الشكر نفسه