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ما يشوف شر جهازكم يا أم الفزعات ..ياريت دائما تتواصلين معانا لأننا نشتاقلك ولأسألتك:27:

All the following contain errors try to correct it:

They might sawthe teacher.
They might see the teacher

She may reads those books.
She may read those books

He might to write it.
He may to write it

Use may & might in the following sentences & change what is needed:

Perhaps Noha is in her office.
Noha may is in her office

Perhaps she was ill yesterday
She might is ill yesterday
أم الفزعات جات

Waalaikom Alsalam

Welcome my sister here . Really I am so happy that anew member will be with us here& actually you have to know that you are not a member but you are here as our sister.What is needed from you now is to follow me & attend the classes because that is useful for you.O.K.concerning your answers,

The 1st sentence ..where is the verb after might?There sould be a verb after might & as you know it should be infinitive & actually it is written in the original sentence but it is not in the infinitive form.Try to do it again my dear?

The 2ed sentence I can consider it right, but also you can write as the following:
She might be ill yesterday.

Try to do the other exercises my dear .Remember I am waiting.:26:



هلا حبيبتي ولا جهازك بعد هههههههههههههههههههههههه أقصد مايشوف شر وأنا أشتاق لكم بالمقابل طالبتي الغالية..نشوف حل التمارين

أول سؤال حلك أوكي صحيح ماعدا آخر فقرة حاولي تعيدي النظر فيها شوي حبيبتي..
ثاني سؤال أقدر أقولك حلك 99 % صح تدرين ليش لأن الجمل صحيحة وحلك صح لكن الفعل الذي يلي may أو might لابد أن يكون من مصدره الأصلي كما ذكرنا في الدرس لذلك لن يكون is كما كتبت ولكن المصدر من is ماهو أعيدي النظر حبيبتي في الفعل

أنتظرك ..

على فكرة أين حل السؤال الأخير كل ماأطلبه فيه أن تصيغي سؤال مؤدب ؟؟حاولي :26:
مرحبا ام الفزعات

How are you dear ,, I will do it again.....

Nadah might is in her office
(I pot the verb)

may she was ill yesterday

I hope I did in correct this time

thanks alot
how are you um alfzaht
he came too late
Salem drives slowly
She takes a nise shower

She buys a basket
They go to shcoll

and thank you so much
welcome um alfazaht
this is tom and this is his father
is ther anything I can do to help you
is this your pen peter
this is apictuer of my house we have been living there sine 1999

can you lend me your rubber please i have lost mine
I did this cake myself yesterday

Iam fram saudia arabia
