Go Lovely Rose

اللغة الأنجليزية

Then die that she
The common fate of all things rare
May read in thee
How small a part of time they share
That are so wondrous sweet and fair


It is apostrophe poem by Edmund Waller is talking
to rose . In this part from the poem he said situation
two thing . Rose is going to die before any body come
to smell it . And also the girl she can loose her beauty
before some body say good word to her .

اتمنى احد يشيك على شرح هاذي القصيدة من ناحية القرامر واذا فيه اي اضافات على شان يطول الشرح
اكون ممتنه .. وياريت بسرعه على شان امتحاني الثلاثاء .. وربي يوفقكم دنيا وآخررره


يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

I found this explanation

A Lovely Rose in the poem Song by Edmund Waller

For many centuries, young men have been telling their sweethearts about ephemeral youth and passion which, like a candle, burns brightly but dies out slowly but surely. Edmund Waller's persona in the poem "Song" is such a young man. He sends a rose to his beloved to "Tell her that wastes her time and (2) by acting shy and staying out of sight. This young lover is trying to tell his paramour that their time is too short for such petty things. He is telling her to forget society and let her feelings lead the way. The speaker of this poem wants his mistress to understand this eagerness of his, and drop everything and come running to enjoy their momentary love. In the first stanza, the young lover is commanding a rose to go and deliver a message of the urgency of his love to his sweetheart. He commands the rose to tell her that she is wasting their precious youth by acting ignorant when she knows that he admires her. He "resembles her to " (4), and discovers "How sweet and fair she seems to be" (5). He uses the rose as a symbol of her beauty. He compares her to the rose becaus
e roses are beautiful things that last only for a certain time.