
karma @karma

عضوة نشيطة


الحاسب والجوال

i wanna write in arabic, every time i try to use the arabic keyboard shown on top of the message box, it does not appear, i try to click randomly in order to make it appear , i find charachters written in the message box yet, i can't see what i am already clicking on.
can anyone of u pls send me a link for an arabic keyboard so i can use it, coz i think that one of hawaa world does not appear cause my windows original copy is german

Thank u very much in advance, i am glad to join u

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تسجيل دخول

yes i have widows xp the problem y i can't do the above is that i do not have an arabic keyboard, that is y i wanna use the touch screen KEYBOARD. however it is not appearing at all on the top of the message box. i mean i can see the link and when i press nothing appears, and when i go mad and keep pressing randomly i find arabic characters appearing in the message box, yet i can't see what i am clicking on. have u got me?
i live in europe that is y i can not get access to an arabic keyboard, i hope u help me.sorry for being a burden , and thanks again