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اللغة الأنجليزية

الله يسعدكم ابغى تعبير عن(الزواج او العيد) بصوره عامه وجزاااكم الله خير

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

Bint Al-hrbi
Bint Al-hrbi
قد كتبت عن العيد تعبير وصححتو ليا الدكتوره 
لكن انا كتبت عن عيد الفطر تبغيه اديك هوا لانك كاتبه بصوره عامه ؟؟ 
Bint Al-hrbi
Bint Al-hrbi
شوفي دا تعبير عن عيد الفطر ومختصر !! 

Muslims celebrate of some special occasions . Eid al – fitr is one of them .
In this day people great each other saying " happy Eid " . They pray in the Mosque wearing 
Their new and colorful clothes . Women prefer dresses but teen ages like pants skirts and blouses .
After that they gather in the big house of their parents to have their breakfast which consist of traditional food as Debyaza and Zalabya . 
After that they return home preparing themselves to visit their relatives where kids like to collect both money and candies . In the evening they go to the seaside or take their children to the funfairs . The 3 days of Eid Al – fitr are really unforgettable days .
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