The expert admits that one of the biggest challenges in delivering on One Laptop per Child's goal may be getting the laptops built in time, and on budget. The group has undertaken the lofty goal of building one million of the devices in its first run, and eventually hopes to mandate 100 million of the machines. Negroponte said that designing the devices is a continuing challenge, as, in contrast to traditional computers, they will need to become less sophisticated and cheaper with each generation. However, he said that the group's work with its corporate partners—Advanced Micro Devices Inc., Brightstar Corp., Google Inc., News Corp. and Red Hat Inc.—is already helping to overcome such obstacles. One solution could be the use of a dual-mode, flexible LCD display being developed at M.I.T., which may allow for a 12-inch screen that costs only $12 to build. Other technological hurdles are being addressed by features such as the wind-up power system, which will augment conventional batteries and electric current adaptors. By using Linux software tuned to work in individual nations, the machines will also eliminate the need for two-thirds of the software on traditional laptops, Negroponte said.
:26: One Laptop per Child's : جمعية تسعى انها تعطي كل طفل لاب توب ،،
:26: Negroponte : رئيس في تلك الجمعية 00
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ساعدوني الله يخليكم :( بقيت علي هذي بس ،،
:) انتظركم ،،

shitoona @shitoona
محررة برونزية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

montreal girl,,,
thank you very much sweety,,
montreal girl,,,
thank you very much sweety,,
الصفحة الأخيرة
Experts are trying to provide each child a laptop in the lowest price possible and on determined time.
Negroponte is working on solving all obsatcles with professional experts to achieve this project
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