مسااكمم رضى الرحمن
اخواتيي ابغى 10جمل يقولهاا الطفل عند بداية كلامه بالعربي وتحليلهاا يكون بالانجلش مثلاا زي كداا تبغى المعنى الجمله بالانجلش والكتابة الصوتية
The context
Meaning in English
The word
She want to give me my mobile .
My mobile
She gets the concept of naming . No afflictions. No structure
فياريتت احد تقدري تسااعدني تبغااه زي كداا محتاجتوو ضروريي يابناااات
الله ييسر اموركممممممم ^^
ملامح هدوء @mlamh_hdoaa
عضوة نشيطة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
ي أختي أبغى 10 جمل الي يقولوهاا الأطفال في بداية نطقهم مثالا زي يقولوا أصير بدل عصير يعني زي كداا ،،، وأنا ما عندي جمل كتير لها فا أبغى مساعدتكم بليييز ،،
The Word: سيارة
tanscription : Sayara
meaning : car
context : my father has a nice car
The Word: بابا
tanscription : baba
meaning : father
context : i want to go with my father
The Word: أصير
tanscription : Aseer
meaning : to be
context : i want to be a doctor
The Word: بدل
tanscription :badal
meaning : instead
context : i want to go with my father instead of my brother
The Word: عصير
tanscription : Asseer
meaning : juice
context : i want to drink an apple juice
The Word: تفاح
tanscription : Tofah
meaning : apple
context : i want an apple
The Word: حليب
tanscription :Haleeb
meaning : milk
context : i want to drink milk
The Word: طيارة
tanscription : Tyara
meaning : plane
context : look i hear a plane comming
The Word: مفتاح
tanscription : Moftah
meaning : key
context : the door is locked with key
The Word: بيت
tanscription : biet
meaning : house
context : we're going to visite my aunt house
tanscription : Sayara
meaning : car
context : my father has a nice car
The Word: بابا
tanscription : baba
meaning : father
context : i want to go with my father
The Word: أصير
tanscription : Aseer
meaning : to be
context : i want to be a doctor
The Word: بدل
tanscription :badal
meaning : instead
context : i want to go with my father instead of my brother
The Word: عصير
tanscription : Asseer
meaning : juice
context : i want to drink an apple juice
The Word: تفاح
tanscription : Tofah
meaning : apple
context : i want an apple
The Word: حليب
tanscription :Haleeb
meaning : milk
context : i want to drink milk
The Word: طيارة
tanscription : Tyara
meaning : plane
context : look i hear a plane comming
The Word: مفتاح
tanscription : Moftah
meaning : key
context : the door is locked with key
The Word: بيت
tanscription : biet
meaning : house
context : we're going to visite my aunt house
الصفحة الأخيرة
tanscription >> dawali
meaning >> my mobile
the context >> she went to give me my mobile
correction >> جوالك
وبعدين نكتب كدا << she gets the concept of naming . no afflictions .no structure
داا المثال الي تبغااناا نسووي زيووو فاسااعدونيي في الجممل لانو ماعندي جمل الي يقولهاا الطفل :(