أم الحسين

أم الحسين @am_alhsyn

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الأمومة والطفل

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهكيف الحال يا أمهات ؟؟؟ ويا دكتورات ؟؟كنت حابة أسأل إذا أي وحدة جربت HORLICKS JUNIOR لأولادها ؟؟؟؟وأسأل الدكتورات العزيزات عن هذا الشراب ومدى فائدته للطفل ؟؟ وهل هو مهم ؟؟

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

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الدكتورة نجلاء محمود
أم الحسين
ياريت تكتبي اسمه العلمي وهو موجود تحت الاسم التجاري
لان الادويه تختلف اسماءها من بلد لاخر
أم الحسين
أم الحسين
يا دكتوروتي الغالية
هو عبارة عن شراب مغذي للأطفال ، عبارة عن قمح وفيتامينات ......إلخ
وهو منتج من سلسلة (هوريلكس) ومن نفس السلسلة هناك (هوريلك للحوامل والمرضعات )
ويباع على رفوف السوبرماركتات ... وهو نفس ال (أوفلتين)
أرجو أن أكون وضحت الصورة
أم الحسين
أم الحسين
أم الحسين ياريت تكتبي اسمه العلمي وهو موجود تحت الاسم التجاري لان الادويه تختلف اسماءها من بلد لاخر
أم الحسين ياريت تكتبي اسمه العلمي وهو موجود تحت الاسم التجاري لان الادويه تختلف اسماءها من بلد...
هذه المعلومات عن الشراب من موقع الشركة

GlaxoSmithKline, the world's leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare company relaunched Junior Horlicks, enriched with a unique combination of nutrients that act as Resistance Builders.
The special nourisher for 1-2-3 year olds provides nourishment to help build the developing immune system of the child, which is vital to help protect him against falling ill frequently and thus aid in promoting optimal uninterrupted growth. Along with the new benefit, Junior Horlicks is now available in a contemporary packaging at all leading stores across the country.
var now = new Date();var index=now.getTime();document.write('');
"The first 3 years of a child's life are the most vital for his growth. Adult height is determined by the height achieved by a child at three years of age. However, as per data available, in India only 12 per cent of children between 1-3 years fall within the normal range of height -- a major reason suggested is deficiency in their daily diet," said Sucheta Govil, General Manager - Nutritionals. "New Junior Horlicks is specially formulated with extra nutrients that help build the internal resistance of 1-2-3 year olds and thus helps them in their natural and uninterrupted growth".
While growth is a key driver for this category, 'immunity' which is a key concern area for mothers of 1-3 year-olds, is a major differentiator. The relaunched product is rich in vital nutrients including Vitamins A, C, E, B6, Folic Acid, Iron, Copper, Selenium and contains Zinc which are essential to improve the natural resistance in children.
"The strategic imperative for Junior Horlicks is to drive category growths by recruiting new consumers into the Horlicks family at an early age," said Pradipta Chakraborty, Group Product Manager. "Junior Horlicks today contributes 11 per cent of the base brand Horlicks sales and has over the last eight years registered a CAGR of 34 per cent".
The relaunch is accompanied with a new ad campaign and well supported by ground level activities.
Junior Horlicks is available in three SKUs of 500 gm Jar (MRP Rs 114), 500 gm GP (MRP Rs 105) and 200 gm Jar (MRP Rs 58). The pack graphics have changed with the relaunch with the lead pack of 500 gm jar now in a modern and contemporary looking shrink-wrap bottle that has been highly appreciated by consumers.
أم الحسين
أم الحسين
هذه المعلومات عن الشراب من موقع الشركة GlaxoSmithKline, the world's leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare company relaunched Junior Horlicks, enriched with a unique combination of nutrients that act as Resistance Builders. The special nourisher for 1-2-3 year olds provides nourishment to help build the developing immune system of the child, which is vital to help protect him against falling ill frequently and thus aid in promoting optimal uninterrupted growth. Along with the new benefit, Junior Horlicks is now available in a contemporary packaging at all leading stores across the country. var now = new Date();var index=now.getTime();document.write(''); "The first 3 years of a child's life are the most vital for his growth. Adult height is determined by the height achieved by a child at three years of age. However, as per data available, in India only 12 per cent of children between 1-3 years fall within the normal range of height -- a major reason suggested is deficiency in their daily diet," said Sucheta Govil, General Manager - Nutritionals. "New Junior Horlicks is specially formulated with extra nutrients that help build the internal resistance of 1-2-3 year olds and thus helps them in their natural and uninterrupted growth". While growth is a key driver for this category, 'immunity' which is a key concern area for mothers of 1-3 year-olds, is a major differentiator. The relaunched product is rich in vital nutrients including Vitamins A, C, E, B6, Folic Acid, Iron, Copper, Selenium and contains Zinc which are essential to improve the natural resistance in children. "The strategic imperative for Junior Horlicks is to drive category growths by recruiting new consumers into the Horlicks family at an early age," said Pradipta Chakraborty, Group Product Manager. "Junior Horlicks today contributes 11 per cent of the base brand Horlicks sales and has over the last eight years registered a CAGR of 34 per cent". The relaunch is accompanied with a new ad campaign and well supported by ground level activities. Junior Horlicks is available in three SKUs of 500 gm Jar (MRP Rs 114), 500 gm GP (MRP Rs 105) and 200 gm Jar (MRP Rs 58). The pack graphics have changed with the relaunch with the lead pack of 500 gm jar now in a modern and contemporary looking shrink-wrap bottle that has been highly appreciated by consumers.
هذه المعلومات عن الشراب من موقع الشركة GlaxoSmithKline, the world's leading research-based...
الدكتورة العزيزة
هذا هو رابط الشركة المنتجة لمزيد من المعلومات إذا حبيتي الإطلاع عليها ...


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أم الحسين