أسومة 27

أسومة 27 @asom_27

عضوة جديدة

How to have fun while learning English

اللغة الأنجليزية

Teaching English should not be limited to a certain syllabus that might cause boredom to the students , it should include games and fun activities that would certainly enhance their willingness to learn the language . During my short experience in teaching , I tried my best to have my students; First , love the idea of learning another language , Second , participate effectively in the learning process . I've played many games with my students that not only filled their souls with joy but also covered their language needs . Some students may not show full interest in such thing in the beginning , this is the time for you to learn some true patience , but I assure you the results are promising .
Here are some of the games I've played with my students which I've taken from several internet sources . I hope you'll enjoy practicing it with your students as I did with my own .
1 ) Choose one person to go shopping with you. This student must say "goodbye" to the rest of the class, whereupon they ask in unison, "Where are you going?" The student replies, "I'm going shopping. At ________(the name of your local store)."
Now bring the student outside the classroom door. This is the most exciting part for everybody, to leave the room! The student must pick one flashcard and put it behind his/her back. Upon returning, the class asks the student, "What did you buy?" and the student says, "Guess!" Students then raise their hand and the shopper student chooses one, who must use one of the vocabulary words in guessing. When a correct answer is given, that student becomes the next shopper.
Kids love this game!
2 ) < suitable for Grade Level - 4 – 5 >
This is a word game to help students increase their vocabulary. Especially for ESL students/class. Use this as a back up plan.
-have two teams, ("A" and "B") (split class in half)
-each team picks a representative from each team
-have the class sitting in front of the chalk board and have the two representative sitting on a chair facing their classmates
-write a vocabulary word on the chalk board (ex. air planes)
-team a gives clues (one world) about the vocabulary word the representatives tries to guess what the vocabulary word is, give representative description of word etc...
-representative choose their team mates to give them clues on their team, they get 5 clues, if they still didn't solve the word the next team ("B") gets to try to solve what the word is etc...
-rotate representative after every word, current representative may choose the next representative for the next word .
This helps the students expand their vocabulary, and review vocabulary words. They learn about the vocabulary words in a FUN way and each student contributes their knowledge.
3 ) The class is arranged into rows. The first person in each row is given a piece of chalk. The blackboard is divided into sections. No more than six teams.
The teacher calls a letter and the students must write as many words as they can beginning with that letter, in the allocated time. Their team-mates can call out hints, but be warned, this is very noisy.
Next, the second member gets the chalk and goes to the board and the teacher calls out a new letter.
The team with the most correct words is the winner.

( My friends of the English section ,
I will try to include more games next time )


Asooma 27

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

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إشراق 55
إشراق 55
thank you
Asooma 27
حـ * ـلم
حـ * ـلم

you are very welcome in our oasis

your article is really nice and helpful , you mentioned outstanding activities which can be used by teachers

we hope all teachers can benefit from this

thank you very much my dear , i hope you can enjoy us more with your ideas and creativity
very good ideas ....helpful for students

thank you very much my dear
قطرة ماء
قطرة ماء
........Thank you so much ,honey. May ALLAH bless you..............]
:24: :26: :24:
لحن للقمر
لحن للقمر
thanx miss ASSOOOOOOOOOMA:26: