I found a lot of wisdom

اللغة الأنجليزية

I found a lot of wisdom within the following words, so I decided to
share them with you.

1- It's not enough to want better things for yourself. You must find
ways to make things better.

2- It's not enough to say the world is in turmoil. You must find ways
to bring peace into it.

3- It's not enough to point at someone else and blame them for what
is wrong. You must welcome them in and ask how you can help them make
it right.

4- It's not enough to say "Someone ought to do something about it!"
You are someone, do it!

5- It's not enough to pray and ask for God's help. You must thank him
for the challenge and the opportunity to learn from it.

6- It's not enough to tell a child what is right. You must be what is
right so they learn from your example.

7- It's not enough to blame your government for what is wrong. You
must participate in the process to make it right.

8- It's not enough to wish. You must work to make it so.

9- It's not enough to ask. You must give to earn the right.

10- It's not enough to say "I tried!" You must try and try again.

11- It's not enough to want to be loved. You must learn how to love

12- It's not enough say "I care." You must show how much and why.

13- It's not enough to wake up. You must thank God you did.

14- It's not enough to just earn a living. You must create a life.

15- It's not enough to begin. You must always follow through.

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

1- It's not enough to want better things for yourself. You must find
ways to make things better.

10- It's not enough to say "I tried!" You must try and try again

13- It's not enough to wake up. You must thank God you did

ينطيج العافية نونا :)
1- It's not enough to want better things for yourself. You must find ways to make things better. 10- It's not enough to say "I tried!" You must try and try again 13- It's not enough to wake up. You must thank God you did ينطيج العافية نونا :)
1- It's not enough to want better things for yourself. You must find ways to make things...
Thank you
" طويلة العمر "
تجنننننننننننننن حبيبتي عجبتني حيييييييييييل
تسلمين يالغلا
أم عـــلـــي
أم عـــلـــي
so cool
نعومة جدة
نعومة جدة
thanks alot I just want to add another one in our forum
it is not enough to reed the topic u must thank the writer