I need ur help

اللغة الأنجليزية

عزيزاتي اريد فقره باللغه الانجليزيه للحفل الختامي للصف السادس.......لاتخلوني بليز

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

كلام الحب
كلام الحب
ممكن نشيد

عندي كلمات نشيد ممكن تصلح لك

Doin' my job, every day,
I go out doin' my job, Earn my pay,
Because I do what I do
Other folks do too,
That's what our town is all about

It's all about doin' my job, sometimes it's hard
But when I'm doin' my job, I do my part
To make the neighborhood run
I know ev'ry one
is glad to help each other out

Teachers, doctors, the pilot of a plane
Executives and waiters, a girl who works a crane
The folks who ring your things up at the local store
Bus drivers, fire fighters, writers, and more,

All doin' our job, feelin' great
Because I'm doin' my job, cooperating
With my neighbors and friends
The town depends
On lots of people doin' their jobs!

Painters, bankers, the folks who bring the mail
Musicians and mechanics, a guy who likes to sail
Cookie bakers, bagel makers, grocery clerks
working together really works!

All doin' our job, feelin' great
Because I'm doin' my job, cooperating
With my neighbors and friends
The town depends
On whether folks can work together

Oh, yeah,

There's nothin' to it

As long as I'm doin' my job
كونتي كونتا
كونتي كونتا
الله يسعدك عزيزتي