I'm studying English language course .Its like learning us how to teach and I have some questions:
1- what does the word teacher mean? I dont want the defenition of the dictionary NO I want your ideas . what does it mean for you?
2- What should the teacher do? mention 7
3- What should the teacher not do? mention 7
4 What is the importance of English? Why do we teach English?
sisoo @sisoo
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
Thanx a lot كلام الحب ونبض الوفاء.
I really appreciate this from you. It helped me so much:26:
I really appreciate this from you. It helped me so much:26:
الصفحة الأخيرة
i can't understand do you want article or points
advantage or disadvantage
i have this sentences
(1) المقدره على تحمل كل مسؤليه الصف
Ability to have full class responsibility
(2) موظف لديه روح الفريق
Ateam – player employee
(3) مهارات في الاتصالات بين الاشخاص
Interpersonal communication skills
(4) المدرس يجب ان يتميز بالمقدرة على حل المشكلات
The teacher must be a problem solver
(5) المدرس يجب ان يكون مثاليا
The teacher must be perfectionist
(6) منفتح العقل
Broad – minded
(1) المقدره على التعامل والاتصال مع الاخرين
Ability to deal and communicate with others