
I need your help experts

اللغة الأنجليزية

Hi girls i don't know if that the place for my request but i hope you can help me i work in research division >>>> to make long story short our division is responsible for a bulliten board i don;' know want intresting subjects that i can post there and thing that related to speech and langauge >>>> for example new trend in assessing lngauge delay in children>>>>

i was thinking of posting the quote of the day
i'm just block can anyone help me<<< i need subjects in both languages for anything relted to special needs

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

! Thermometer !
! Thermometer !
In The Name Of Allah,The Merciful, The Munificent

Which type of need do u want? explain 2 us hope we can help u :27:
ام لالي
ام لالي
If you're looking for quote of the day you could find some in books or even sites on the net
I have some in my emails if you like i could post them here

om laly
If you're looking for quote of the day you could find some in books or even sites on the net I have some in my emails if you like i could post them here om laly
If you're looking for quote of the day you could find some in books or even sites on the net I...
i would appreciated if you can post the quotation here
i need some articels or facts about child langauge devlopment or brain facts you know stuff that are intresting and bizzare