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اذا ممكن ودي تساعدوني في هاذي البرقرافات
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هاذي برقرافات وابي على كل برقراف تلخيص summary
واهم شروط تلخيص البرقراف مايلي :
1- اهم شي اكتب في البرقراف ولا انساة هوة الtopic sentence وهي main idea واذا قدرت الخصها يعني مثلا لو كانت 10 كلمات احطها 7 كلمات
فمثلا لو لقيت في البرقراف (college, university and school) بدل مااكتبها كلها في السمري اضع كلمة institution وهكذا
2- ان يكون تلخيص البرقراف يكون ربع البرقراف كلة فمثلا لو كان عندي البرقراف الواحد صفحة كاملة احط السمري ربع صفحة
3- في السمري ايضا لااهتم بالتفاصيل الغير مهمة
لكن الimportant detailes التفاصيل المهمة يجب علي ان لا اتجاهلها بل اقوم بتلخيصها ايضا .
وهاذي البرقرافات
international students leave their home countries and go to school abroad. One meaning of the word abroad is in a foreign place. By far, the country with the most students from abroad is the United States, Canada, Great Britain and some European countries also have a lot of students from other countries. But more and more, students from around the world attend colleges and universities in the developing nations of Latin America, Asia and Africa. developing nations don’t yet have a high level of industrialization or technology.
why do high school and college graduates go to college and universities far from their home? undergraduates are postsecondary students with out college degrees. Often undergraduates want the experience of life in new cultures. Maybe they want to learn another language well, in school and in real life . many older students want degrees in business, engineering, or technology. These subjects are not always available in their home countries. Some government and companies send their best graduate students and workers to other countries for new knowledge and skills. And some students from expensive private schools at home save money through study abroad, especially in developing nations.
Why do institutions of higher learning want international students? Of course, students from other countries and cultures bring internationalism to the classroom or campus. They bring different language, customs, ideas and educational institutions need money. Tuition is the fee or charge for instruction and private schools everywhere charge high tuition. One definition of citizens and immigrants is legal members of a nation or country. international students are not citizens or immigrants,. So, they pay full tuition and fees to state or government school. And all students away from home spend money for housing, food, recreation, and other things. For these reason, many school and groups of school want students from other countries.
Kinds of University Classes in the United States
There are several different kinds of classes on university campuses in the United States. Professors usually teach large undergraduate classes. They give formal lectures. Students listen and write things down. Then they attend discussion groups with teaching assistants. In graduate seminars, Small groups of students discuss information and ideas with their instructor and classmates. Distance learning and online students do most of their work individually in other places. But they sometimes come to a campus for group meetings.
College Life Around the World
similarities in Student Life
At college and universities around the world, students from other placed live in student housing, apartments or the private homes of other people. They walk to school or get there by bicycle by car or with public transportation like the bus or subway. They take courses and attend classes. They study and take quizzes or tests or exams. They complete requirements. After years of study, they get certificates or college degrees. Outside school they have other interests and family or social live. In some ways life on the campuses of institutions of higher learning is the same everywhere in the world.
Systems of higher education:
maybe students life is similar but the system of higher education differs in countries around the world. For example, in the United States, postsecondary students ' can live at home and go to community colleges for two years or more. or they can choose four-year state or private colleges or universities. They can get financial aid like scholarships, grants, or loans. With undergraduate degrees, they can attend graduate school. The system is different in some courtiers of Asia Or the Middle East, like Iran. There students take an exit exam in their last year of high school. The people with highest scores attend the best university sities in the country. Other students can go to other kinds of colleges or get jobs. There is another system in Germany. In that country, most graduates of academic high schools go to public universities or technical colleges. These schools don't charge high tuition or educational fees, and students can stay in school for many years
(A) weather has a powerful effect on the physical world. It also affects people's personalities. How do we know about the effects of weather on people's؟ know from biometeorologists. These scientists are weather researchers. They study human health and emotions in response to atmospheric conditions. The word atmosphere means" the air around the earth." "Atmospheric conditions at a time or places "is a definition of the word weather Some examples of these conditions are sun, wind, rain. snow, humidity (the amount of moisture in the air). and air pressure (the force of air). The weather conditions of the atmosphere greatly influence people's health, thinking, and feelings.
All over the world winds come down from high mountain areas. The winds fall faster and faster, and the air becomes warmer and drier. What do scientists say about the health effects of this kind of weather? According to biometeorologists in Russia, powerful winds from the mountains increase the number of strokes (blood vessel attacks in the brain). Also, sometimes strong southern winds blow north over Italy. During these times, researchers say, Italians have more heart attacks (sudden stopping of the heart). People everywhere have bad headaches during times of forceful winds. And Japanese weather scientists say there is an increase in the number of asthma attacks. (Asthma is a lung disorder.
It causes breathing problems).
1- Do other kinds Of weather influence physical health? Sudden temperature changes in winter are Often associated with colds or flu. (influenza is a viral disease.) However, colds and flu probably increase because people are in close contact indoors in cold weather. Colds and flu may even lead to pneumonia (another lung disease). Other illnesses also increase during long periods (times) of cold weather. In most places, diseases of the blood and heart attacks are more common in winter. But in some very hot and humid (wet) regions, there are more heart attacks in summer. Many people have high blood pressure (a health condition). In three out of four people, blood pressure falls (goes down) . in warm weather. But some people have lower blood pressure in the cool or cold times of the year.
** These forces of nature greatly affect people's moods (emotional conditions and feelings) too, For many people, winter in the northern regions is very depressing. They eat and sleep a lot, but they usually feel tired. They are nervous and can't work well . They are irritable (not very nice to other people).Biometeorologists even have a name for this condition. The name is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Scientists think the cause of this mood disorder is the long periods of darkness. Even during the day, it is often cloudy or gray. What can people with SAD do about their moods? Naturally, they need more light! On bright days they feel better. But people don't work very well on sunny, hot, and humid days. The best weather for good work and thinking is cool and clear
Global Climate Changes
The word weather means "the atmosphere conditions at a speak place and time " the weather can vary from day to day in central to weather climate is the general or average atmospheric conditions a region" in different areas of the globe. The climate generally says the same from year to year for ex- ample the climate in the desert is usually very dry it may be cold in winter and hot in summer, but there is very little ran or humidity in contrast, in tropical rain forests there is very high humidly in most other areas of the world, the weather is cool or cold and wet or dry in the winter season. it is warm or hot and dry or humid in me summer months.
Climate in Regions of the Globe according to some meteorologists (weather researchers), the earth's climate is changing slowly in most places on the planet, the weather varies from season to season or even from day to day. In contrast, the typical climate is similar every year Even or there may be global climate changes from one long time period to another what are these changes? some scientists believe the weather is becoming more extreme There are longer periods of very cold and very hot temperatures .there are more and more powerful hurricanes and tornados ( (some with strong fast winds) and bizzards ( heavy snowstorms) floods ( large amounts of water on dry land) and long droughts ( times without enough rain) are causing greater and greater physical damage to the human communities on earth. these extreme forces a nature will get even worse in the future, say some people. and even change in climate in one part of the globe will bring more extreme changes in other areas .
Not all meteorologists believe there is much natural global warming. According to these scientists, the EI Nine effect is not getting stronger. So why is the temperature of the earth going up? Why are tropical storms like hurricanes causing more and greater flood and wind damage? Probably, human beings are the main cause of the extreme effect of weather and climate changes. Cars and factories are putting more and more gases like carbon dioxide (CO2 ) into the earth's atmosphere. Coal and oil add carbon dioxide to the air too. Trees and plants take in carbon dioxide, but humans are cutting down the rain forests and putting up buildings where green plants grow. The world has a lot of people now, and it will have a lot more people in the future

سميّة @smy_3
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

بنات حواء انا بانتظاركم

1- Do other kinds Of weather influence physical health? Sudden temperature changes in winter are Often associated with colds or flu. (influenza is a viral disease.) However, colds and flu probably increase because people are in close contact indoors in cold weather. Colds and flu may even lead to pneumonia (another lung disease). Other illnesses also increase during long periods (times) of cold weather. In most places, diseases of the blood and heart attacks are more common in winter. But in some very hot and humid (wet) regions, there are more heart attacks in summer. Many people have high blood pressure (a health condition). In three out of four people, blood pressure falls (goes down) . in warm weather. But some people have lower blood pressure in the cool or cold times of the year.
** These forces of nature greatly affect people's moods (emotional conditions and feelings) too, For many people, winter in the northern regions is very depressing. They eat and sleep a lot, but they usually feel tired. They are nervous and can't work well . They are irritable (not very nice to other people).Biometeorologists even have a name for this condition. The name is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Scientists think the cause of this mood disorder is the long periods of darkness. Even during the day, it is often cloudy or gray. What can people with SAD do about their moods? Naturally, they need more light! On bright days they feel better. But people don't work very well on sunny, hot, and humid days. The best weather for good work and thinking is cool and clear
Global Climate Changes
The word weather means "the atmosphere conditions at a speak place and time " the weather can vary from day to day in central to weather climate is the general or average atmospheric conditions a region" in different areas of the globe. The climate generally says the same from year to year for ex- ample the climate in the desert is usually very dry it may be cold in winter and hot in summer, but there is very little ran or humidity in contrast, in tropical rain forests there is very high humidly in most other areas of the world, the weather is cool or cold and wet or dry in the winter season. it is warm or hot and dry or humid in me summer months.
Climate in Regions of the Globe according to some meteorologists (weather researchers), the earth's climate is changing slowly in most places on the planet, the weather varies from season to season or even from day to day. In contrast, the typical climate is similar every year Even or there may be global climate changes from one long time period to another what are these changes? some scientists believe the weather is becoming more extreme There are longer periods of very cold and very hot temperatures .there are more and more powerful hurricanes and tornados ( (some with strong fast winds) and bizzards ( heavy snowstorms) floods ( large amounts of water on dry land) and long droughts ( times without enough rain) are causing greater and greater physical damage to the human communities on earth. these extreme forces a nature will get even worse in the future, say some people. and even change in climate in one part of the globe will bring more extreme changes in other areas .
Not all meteorologists believe there is much natural global warming. According to these scientists, the EI Nine effect is not getting stronger. So why is the temperature of the earth going up? Why are tropical storms like hurricanes causing more and greater flood and wind damage? Probably, human beings are the main cause of the extreme effect of weather and climate changes. Cars and factories are putting more and more gases like carbon dioxide (CO2 ) into the earth's atmosphere. Coal and oil add carbon dioxide to the air too. Trees and plants take in carbon dioxide, but humans are cutting down the rain forests and putting up buildings where green plants grow. The world has a lot of people now, and it will have a lot more people in the future
غاليتي نبض الوفا تقدري تسويلي هاذي يالغالية
** These forces of nature greatly affect people's moods (emotional conditions and feelings) too, For many people, winter in the northern regions is very depressing. They eat and sleep a lot, but they usually feel tired. They are nervous and can't work well . They are irritable (not very nice to other people).Biometeorologists even have a name for this condition. The name is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Scientists think the cause of this mood disorder is the long periods of darkness. Even during the day, it is often cloudy or gray. What can people with SAD do about their moods? Naturally, they need more light! On bright days they feel better. But people don't work very well on sunny, hot, and humid days. The best weather for good work and thinking is cool and clear
Global Climate Changes
The word weather means "the atmosphere conditions at a speak place and time " the weather can vary from day to day in central to weather climate is the general or average atmospheric conditions a region" in different areas of the globe. The climate generally says the same from year to year for ex- ample the climate in the desert is usually very dry it may be cold in winter and hot in summer, but there is very little ran or humidity in contrast, in tropical rain forests there is very high humidly in most other areas of the world, the weather is cool or cold and wet or dry in the winter season. it is warm or hot and dry or humid in me summer months.
Climate in Regions of the Globe according to some meteorologists (weather researchers), the earth's climate is changing slowly in most places on the planet, the weather varies from season to season or even from day to day. In contrast, the typical climate is similar every year Even or there may be global climate changes from one long time period to another what are these changes? some scientists believe the weather is becoming more extreme There are longer periods of very cold and very hot temperatures .there are more and more powerful hurricanes and tornados ( (some with strong fast winds) and bizzards ( heavy snowstorms) floods ( large amounts of water on dry land) and long droughts ( times without enough rain) are causing greater and greater physical damage to the human communities on earth. these extreme forces a nature will get even worse in the future, say some people. and even change in climate in one part of the globe will bring more extreme changes in other areas .
Not all meteorologists believe there is much natural global warming. According to these scientists, the EI Nine effect is not getting stronger. So why is the temperature of the earth going up? Why are tropical storms like hurricanes causing more and greater flood and wind damage? Probably, human beings are the main cause of the extreme effect of weather and climate changes. Cars and factories are putting more and more gases like carbon dioxide (CO2 ) into the earth's atmosphere. Coal and oil add carbon dioxide to the air too. Trees and plants take in carbon dioxide, but humans are cutting down the rain forests and putting up buildings where green plants grow. The world has a lot of people now, and it will have a lot more people in the future
غاليتي نبض الوفا تقدري تسويلي هاذي يالغالية

الله يجعلة بموازين حسناتك نبض الوفا
ويسعدك في الدراين
ويحقق كل امانيك يالغالية
والله اني منحرجة من افعالك الطيبة
ويسعدك في الدراين
ويحقق كل امانيك يالغالية
والله اني منحرجة من افعالك الطيبة
الصفحة الأخيرة