
bandora @bandora

عضوة نشيطة

Iam looking for I good friends

اللغة الأنجليزية

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii my name is bandora Iam from u.s.a california Ihave tow children and I study business Adminisration I ask jast for a friends . please be my friend Im not good with a computer :( :( :(

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

Hello banadora
I think you'er from arabic countires are'n't you ?
but you are studying there
can you show us what do you want exactly to help you
Qatar Eye, I am an Arab American. My grammer my not be up to par, but I was not prepared for any gramatical corrections. Since were into making corrections I can not help but see you have a few of your own, but then again I'm no teacher.

Since we are both challenged in the English language we should stick with topics we are familiar with . Looking forward to future interactions. Thanks for your help.

SimSim that is correct. I am Arabia living in America to study
Buisness. This is what I need assistance with:
I have attempted to write in Arabic, but I am finding it very difficult to do so. I would apperciate any feedback. Thanks
لا يمكنك مشاهدة هذا التعليق لانتهاكه شروط الاستخدام.
Keep in mind that one should never assume or pass judgement on others.
A conclusion should always be based on facts
.Found on plenty of research

If you like to keep in touch email me at
hi bandora

I am in USA 2

i love California so much but i am not there

in which city do live?

Qatar eye

i like the way you are