ICant Forget You ,,,,

اللغة الأنجليزية

ICant Forget You ,,,,

ICant Forget You

It has been a year
No matter what I do
I Can't Forget YOU

I hide my tears with a smile
I hide my pain with a laugh

No matter what I do
I Can't Forget YOU

Everytime I hear your name
My heart starts beating fast

No matter what I do
I Can't Forget YOU

When I sit alone in my room
I remember you with a tear

No matter what I do
I Can't Forget YOU

I forgot how to laugh
Because you make me laugh
I forgot how to love
Because you make me love you

I cry
and I'm still crying

I need you by my side
I need you to make me feel safe
I need you to make me laugh
I need you to make me happy

I Can't Forget YOU

It has been a year
No matter what I do
I Can't Forget YOU

I hide my tears with a smile
I hide my pain with a laugh

No matter what I do
I Can't Forget YOU

Everytime I hear your name
My heart starts beating fast

No matter what I do
I Can't Forget YOU

When I sit alone in my room
I remember you with a tear

No matter what I do
I Can't Forget YOU

I forgot how to laugh
Because you make me laugh
I forgot how to love
Because you make me love you

I cry
and I'm still crying

I need you by my side
I need you to make me feel safe
I need you to make me laugh
I need you to make me happy

No matter what I do
ICant Forget You

with my love,,


يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

الف شكر
بس ياليت تترجمي
لان مااعرفتها كلها
LOver Night's
LOver Night's
الف شكر بس ياليت تترجمي لان مااعرفتها كلها
الف شكر بس ياليت تترجمي لان مااعرفتها كلها
it is wornderfull:32:

i think u wrote this poem

u know i wrote a poem i will try to write it here in this websit]
its very nice poem
my god bless you
البارونه سارونه