Here at Investor Junkie, the writers and I test many financial services. In the confusing array of financial products and services, we want to tell you from our research what we think is the best of the best. In most cases we not only recommend these investment tools, but we use them ourselves. In selecting these financial tools or investment services, we had the requirement that they must either help increase your investment returns, decrease expenses, and/or improve asset allocation. We’ve created the following as a shortcut for your investing needs, but this doesn’t mean we didn’t fully test out these services. With most of the services listed, we’ve done an in-depth review. So please also read the full review to know why these services are on our recommendation list. We not only share which ones are the best, but we explain why they’re the top in their industry and what makes them so helpful. This is of course from our perspective and personal experiences. If you are looking for a free web-based app that focuses on investing, then Personal Capital is the best option. This app not only allows you to track expenses, it also helps review your investing plan. KL, Malaysia

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