I would like to dedicate these words to our beloved Prophet and Messenger Mohammed (God's blessing and peace be upon him) whose grace and favor towards me cannot be recompensed by all means of appreciation and gratitude, and to those whose passion and longing lead them to know about the prophet's life (God's blessing and peace be upon him).
In the noble land of Mecca
The beloved prophet is Mohammed ibn Abdullah ibn Abdulmuttalib inb Hashim, ibn Abdu Manaf, ibn Qussai, ibn Kilab, inb Murrah, ibn Kaab, ibn Lu'ai, ibn Ghalib, ibn Fihr, ibn Malik, ibn Alnadhar, ibn Kinanah, ibn Khozaimah, ibn Mudrikah, ibn Elias, ibn Mudhar, ibn Nizar, ibn Maad, ibn Adnadn…and his pure honorable lineage continues.
His mother is Aminah daughter of Wahab ibn Abdu Manaf ibn Zohra ibn Kilab. She was the finest Quraish women in lineage and position. Her father was the master of Bani Zohra . And their tribe included very virtuous, pure and noble men and women from the finest Arab homes.
Mohammed's father passed away while he was on a business trip to Damascus at the age of twenty five. He was buried in Yathrib (present day Medina) near Bani Al-Najjar tribe, his maternal uncles.
The prophet was born after his father's death in Abi Talib's house in the mountain pass of Bani Hashim .
He was born Monday morning 12th of Rabea al Awal in the year of the Elephant , which corresponds to the 20th of April 571.
When the prophet was born there were many good signs that happened after his birth. The extinction of the Magi's fire and other incidents was one of the signs and introductions of his prophecy (BPUH).
When he was born, his mother sent a message to his grandfather telling him about the birth of his grandson. He was very delighted and happy. His grandfather named him Mohammed which was not a popular name for Arabs back then. The prophet's first nanny was his father's maid Baraka Om Ayman. And his first wet nurse was a maid who worked for his uncle Abi Lahab. Thowaibah nursed the prophet (BPUH) with her son Masrooh.
One of the Arabs' customs was to search for their baby's nursery in the desert where a foster family would care for their children in the wholesome environment. The prophet (BPUH) was a lucky share for Haleema bint Aby Tho'aib Al-Saadiea and her husband Abu Kabsha, Al-Harith ibn Abdul-Uzza Al-Saadi.
Good and blessing started to come to the lives of the prophet's care-takers from everywhere for more than four years. An important incident happened to the prophet (BPUH) in the desert when the angels opened his chest to take out the evil part from him which made Haleema worry about the safety of her own infant and take Mohammed back to his mother.
At the age of six the prophet's mother took her son to visit his father's maternal uncles Bani Al-Najjar, and she died on the return journey in Al-Abwaa. Om Ayman nurtured the prophet (BPUH) after his mother's death. His grandfather Abdulmuttalib honored, preferred and took great care of the prophet more than any of his own children.
When the prophet was eight years old, two months and ten days his grandfather passed away, after which he became the responsibility of his uncle Abu Talib.He was very kind and compassionate to him and treated him as one his children. Mohammed stayed beside his uncle for forty years. Because he didn't accept Islam, God decreased his punishment in hellfire more than anyone that could be in there.
God had blessed Abu Talib with a small amount of money, and so in the prophet's early career, he worked as a shepherd for the people of Mecca for few carats. All the messengers of God worked as shepherds.
At the age of twelve the prophet (BPUH) traveled with his uncle in a trade caravan to Damascus. On the way near Bossra they met a priest called Baheeri who told them that he had seen the signs of Mohammed prophecy (BPUH) which made his uncle retun to Mecca in order to protect him from the Jews.
At the age of twenty, the prophet (BPUH) witnessed Al-Fujjar war that broke out between Kinanah, with Quraish against Qais. He took a place in that war beside his uncles.
He also witnessed Al-Fodhul alliance in Abdullah ibn Judaan's house when they made a pact to stand for the oppressed in and out Mecca until they received all their rights.
When the prophet turned twenty five, he engaged in trade for Khadeeja bint Khowailid Al-Asaadi, who was an honorable merchant lady. She hired men to invest her money, specifying a part of it for them. When she heard about the prophet's honesty and faithfulness (BPUH), she offered him to trade with her money in Damascus as a merchant. He accepted and went with her servant Maysara. When he came back, she was astonished at the great profit he made for her and so she realized his honesty and heard from her servant amazing tales which motivated her to send a marriage proposal to the prophet. Two months after his return from the trip, he brought twenty she-camel, the marriage concluded and it was a blessed one. She was forty years old and one of her people's best women in lineage, wealth and intelligence, and the mother of all the prophet's boys except for Abraham who was from Maria Al-Qibteia.
The prophet (BPUH) was thirty five when a flood cracked the walls of Kaaba. Qraish decided to renew the Kaaba's building. When they reached the place of the black rock they entered a deadly argument about who would replace the rock again. The argument did not stop until the prophet enlightened them with a very wise decision; he set a cloth on the floor and put the rock in it. He asked each tribe's representative to hold the cloth from a corner to carry it to the Kaaba and when they had done that, the prophet (BPUH) placed the rock with his pure, virtuous hands back in its place.
On Monday 10th August 610, on the 20th of Ramadan, the prophet (BPUH) became the mercy and a herald to the universe when he was ordered to announce the notification of Islam
end of episode 1
.......to be continued........
written by:
Ghadeer Safak Al-Mutairi
EFL teacher

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