Know your Messenger....episode 2 محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

اللغة الأنجليزية

The Prophet's divine mission

The divine inspiration started with the prophet's truthful dreams, where each dream he saw a true soon afterwards. The next sign of the divine mission of the prophet was his desire for privacy in order to seclude himself from people, to contemplate on the Lord and Creator and stay the nights worshipping Him following Abraham's approach (BPUH).

It was Monday in the month of Ramadan when Gabriel revealed the first verse of Quraan to the prophet in Hira'a cave telling him "Recite in the name of the Lord Who create," from Surah al-Alaq.

His wife Khadeeja calmed him down after he rushed home full of fear from what happened to him in the cave. She took him to her cousin Waraqa bin Nawfal, an old man who admired and embraced Christianity but when he heard about Gabriel, who was also sent from God to Jesus, he announced to the prophet the good news about his prophecy and promised him victory from Allah if he would convey the divine call.

The inspiration delayed for a while to increase the prophet's longing and passion for it. After that time the inspiration returned to the prophet (BPUH) to start his conveyance of the message and to call for worshipping Allah, the Only and true God.
He started his mission with those close to him: family, friends and everyone who seemed to have good within themselves as well as those with a pure, wise mentality who did not fail to connect themselves to the salvation of Islam and belief in the call. The prophet's wife Khadeeja, his closest friend the veracious Abu Bakr, a young boy Ali ibn Abu Talib and(من الموالي) Zaid ibn Harithah were the first to honestly believe and embrace Islam.

When Abu Bakr embraced Islam he was soy active and effective that the best people of Islam like Othman ibn Affan, Al-Zubair ibn Al-Awam, Abdul Rahman ibn Auf, Saad ibn aby Waqqas and Talha ibn Ubaid Ellah embraced Islam by virtue of Allah and Abu Bakr. (May Allah be pleased with them).

And those who followed them in Islam are Suhaib Al-Rumi, Aal Yasir (the Yasirs) , Abdullah ibn Mas'oud, Abu Thar Al-Ghaffari, Saied ibn Zaid Al-Adawi Al-Qurashi and his wife Fatima bint Al-Khattab, Bilal ibn Rabah and many others who are known in the prophet's biography, as the forerunners (السابقين الأولين).

The prophet's mission continued for three years in secret without announcing to the Quraishi public. Although Quraish knew about the prophet's call for Islam, they did not take any action towards him except to wait for the proper time, but they were, nevertheless, concerned about Islam being widespread among Arabs.

In the forth year of his prophecy (BPUH) he started to announce his message publicly when Gabriel revealed, "Then declare what you are commanded and turn away from polytheists." He stood on al-Safa mountain in Mecca to gather all tribes of Quraish. When they all met together, he invited them to Islam and told them "To all of you, I am the Warner of a great pain" (إني نذير لكم بين يدي عذاب شديد). His uncle Abu Lahab said, "May you perish….was that what you have gathered us for?''

The Quraish were enraged and started the persecution and enmity, except for his uncle Abu Talib, who was compassionate and overprotective of him when he declared his message, mocked their idols and images and nullified their beliefs.

When Quraish realized the prophet's insistence on his call, they used all what could be imagined to stop his determination. They started with sarcasm and mockery to discourage the Muslims.
Then, they spread false allegations and raised suspicion about the divine call of Islam, but did not succeed in subduing the call. By the forth year of the prophecy, the Quraish spared no effort to fight the prophet and severely torture believers which made the Muslims pray in secret away from the sight of the polytheists for the purpose of protecting themselves. Then the Quaraish knew that sarcasm and mockery were useless and all that was on the forth year of the call. Because of the persecution, it was wise to hide and gather in secret. In the fifth year of the prophecy the prophet took Al-Argam house in the Safa mountain as a center for preaching away from the polytheists. The prophet (BPUH) prevented Muslims from announcing their Islam in order to protect them from the polytheists.

Some people reached the prophet inflicting severe harm, including a group of polytheists led by the most cruel and violent person, his uncle Abu Lahab, and many other polytheists like Abu Jahal, Ukba ibn Abi Mueit, Al-Aas ibn Waeel Al-sahami, Abu Sufian ibn Al-Harith and Abu sufian Sakher ibn Harb.

It was the month of Rajab in the fifth year of the prophecy when a group of the prophet's companions emigrated to Ethiopia because of the severe trouble and difficulty they faced living in Mecca. It was the first Islamic emigration, comprised of twelve men and four women, including the prophet's daughter Rukaiah and her husband Othman ibn Affan, a companion of the prophet.

The prophet's patience under persecution lead his uncle Hamza ibn Abdulmuttalib to embrace Islam. Hamzah had the strongest will against the enemies of Islam and because of that quality, he was called "Asad Allah" meaning God's lion.

Three days after After Hamza's adoption of Islam, Omar ibn Al-Khattab embraced Islam in Al-Argham house. Therefore Islam was honored with Hamza's and Omar's embracing of Islam. Ibn Mas'oud said, " We are still nobles since Omar embraced Islam" which made the polytheists live in a great grief and depression.

The emigrants to Ethiopia returned after three months when they heard that Mecca adopted Islam, but it seems that the Qurairsh did not and this prevented them from entering Mecca in public without sneaking or being under someone's protection (جوار).

The Islam of Omar and Hamza, the prophet's refusal of all Quraish's bargains, and the agreement of bani Al-Muttalib and bani Hashim (Muslims and non Muslims) to protect the prophet from the polytheists who decided to kill him, made the Quraish lose hope of preventing and bribing him from his message. When Abu Talib heard about their conspiracy, he gathered bani Hashim and bani Al-Muttalib for the sake of blood relation, to stand for their relative - the prophet - against those who wanted to kill him. And so, they were to the prophet an impregnable fortress.

When Quraish saw the protection union, they decided to boycott the sons of Abdu Manaf (Bani Hashim and Bani Al-Muttalib). The boycott included Muslims and non Muslims. The Quraish abstained from talking, dealing, sitting with, and marrying from them.

To make the boycott public, they wrote an unjust decree and hung it on the walls of Ka'aba. Bani Hashim and Bani Al-Muttalib were blockaded in Abi Talib mountain pass after the decree, with the exception of Abu Lahab and his son, who took their place with the Quraish against their tribe and people on the first day of Muharram, in the seventh year of the prophecy.

As soon as they entered the mountain pass, the prophet (PBUH) ordered the Muslims, who were still in Mecca, to immigrate to Ethiopia. There were eighty-three men and nineteen or eighteen women. He said, "Go to Ethiopia, there is a king who has never oppressed anyone".

For the Muslims who were blockaded in Abi Talib pass, they did not receive any money or food for three years; therefore, people ate leaves and skins because of extreme hunger, whereas others did not survive.

The unfair decree was repealed by five noblemen from Quraish. Hisham ibn Amro ibn Rabeea ibn Al-Harith Al-Aamiry was the best among the five, because it was his idea and he was the one who encouraged the others. The others included: Zohair ibn Aby Umaiah Al-Makhzomi, the prophet's cousin, Al-Mut'im ibn Udai Al-Nawfali, Abu Al-Bakhtari ibn Hisham Al-Asadi and Zamaa ibn Al-Aswad Al-Asadi. When they went together to remove the decree, they did not find anything left except a little piece, and written on it " in the name of God". The rest of the journal had been eaten by termites that had been sent by God to eat the injustice and oppression written on that decree.

In the month of Rajab, in the tenth year of the prophecy, and six months after the prophet (PBUH) returned from the mountain pass, his uncle Abu Talib died. He was the one who protected him from his enemies and stood by his side for forty years. The prophet said, "Quraish did not obtain what I hate until my uncle died".(ما نالت قريش مني ما أكره إلا بعد وفاة عمي أبي طالب)

Two or three months after his uncle died, the mother of the faithful Khadeejah bint Khowailed, the prophet's first wife, passed away in Ramadan, the tenth year of the prophecy, at the age of sixty five. The prophet (PBUH) lived in great sadness for his wife who lived with him for twenty five years. That year was called the "year of sadness".
In the month of Shawal, in the tenth year of the prophecy, the prophet (PBUH) married Sawda bint Zamaa whose husband died in Ethiopia. She was the first woman he married after Khadeejah (may God be pleased with her).

The polytheists of Quraish wronged the prophet (PBUH). After his uncle died, which made the prophet (PBUH) feel desperate, he left with his servent Zaid ibn Harithah to Al-Ta'if, to ask for their help and belief to complete his conveyance of God's message. But the people of Al-Ta'if answered ignominiously. They sent their children and foolish people to throw stones at the prophet (PBUH) until his pure feet bled.

While returning from Al-Ta'if (PBUH) he rested under a palm tree when one of the jinn heard the Qur'an. The jinn returned to their people as heralds for Islam. When the prophet returned to Mecca, he could not enter unless under the protection of Al-Mutem ibn Udai ibn Nawfal ibn Abdu Manaf.

The prophet (PBUH) realized that the Quraish's rejection and prevented him from his message, so he started to present himself to other Arabian tribes in Hajj seasons to help him. He did so for four years before the Hegira. No one answered him except for Al-Ansar of Medina, who were extremely fortunate to welcome the prophet (PBUH) and earn great dignity from Allah.

In Yathrib (Medina), six wise men from Al-Khazraj tribe met the prophet (PBUH). The prophet invited them to Islam and to believing in his God. The men accepted his call and promised to meet him in the next season; that was the beginning of a new phase in the history of Islam.

In the month of Shawal, during the eleventh year of the prophecy, the prophet (PBUH) engaged the daughter of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, A'isha. At that time, she was only six years old; therefore, the marriage was not consummated until she reached puberty during the first year of Hijra in Medinah when she turned nine years old.
One year before the Hijra, Allah rewarded the prophet with the night of ascension to the seven heavens which is mentioned in holy Qur'an; (Exalted is He who took his servant by the night from Al-Masjid Al-Haram to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa, whose surroundings we have blessed, to show him Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing) . God took the prophet from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa riding a horse called al-Boraq, who ascended to the seven heavens, taking him to the lote tree of heaven where the five daily prayers were prescribed for the people of Mohammed.
In the next year, during the eleventh year of the prophecy, corresponding to July 621, al-Aqabah pledge was concluded between twelve men from al-Khazraj and two from al-Aws and the prophet(PBUH). The group pledged alliance to the prophet in addition to the women's pledge of allegiance on the new religion. The prophet (PBUH) sent Mos'ab ibn Omair al-Abdari (may Allah be pleased with him) to teach the Qur'an and the Islamic rules to those who adopted Islam. Mos'ab worked to spread Islam to those who did not follow it, which was a recognizable success for him. Many people from al-Ansar adopted Islam because of him. Mus'ab did not leave them until all the houses of al-Ansar contained Muslim men and women. When his mission was complete he returned to Mecca (may Allah be pleased with him).

During the 13th year of the prophecy, in June 622, the second Aqaba pledge of allegiance concluded when the groups of al-Ansar Muslims met the prophet, including two women and 73 men, 62 of whom were from al-Khazraj and 11 were from al-Aws. The group of people from Yathrib decided to be with the prophet (PBUH) and protect him from the enemies as they would protect their families and children. The allegiance concluded in secret without the polytheists' and Quraish's knowledge.

The Quraish were enraged when they knew about the pledge and how Al-Ansar promised to do whatever it took to protect the prophet (PBUH).

The prophet asked his companions to emmigrate to al-Medina. The Muslims did what the prophet asked them to do, risking their families, money and selves in the sake of Allah's satisfaction. However, the polytheists did what they could to stop the emmigration but to no avail; the Muslims went to al-Medina without Quraish's knowledge, according to the prophet's orders.

The Quraish tried to prevent Muslims from leaving Mecca. They succeeded in preventing some of the Muslims, but others left Mecca secretly, except for the oppressed who could not stand against the Quraish.

Thirteen years after the first call to Islam call in Mecca, God allowed the prophet to emmigrate to al-Medina, which was two and a half months after al-Aqaba great pledge of allegiance. Then Quraish masters gathered in Dar al-Nadwa to kill the prophet. They decided to choose one strong young man from each tribe to hold a sword against the prophet at once so that his blood and revenge could be divided among all the tribes. In that case, Bani Hashim could not fight back to average the prophet except to accept his blood money. The prophet asked Ali ibn Abi Talib to sleep in his bed.

The prophet left his house on Thursday night, Safar 27, or September 13th 622, where the group of criminals were sleeping because of the sand that the prophet threw on them while reciting ( and we have put before them a barrier and behind them a barrier and cover them so they do not see) .

The prophet emmigrated with his close friend and companion Abu Bakir, heading to the cave of Thawr. They spent three nights there: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Monday night, the prophet and his companion headed to al-Medina after the circumstances had calmed down.

And with this emmigration, the prophet follow the pattern of his prophet brothers before him, since all the prophets emmigrated from their homes and lands.

End of Episode 2 be continued.........................

With love :26:

:article by
Ghadeer Safak Al-Mutairi

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مجهود مشكورة عليه
جزاكى الله خيرا

allah bless you

thanx 4 u