The diamond

The diamond @the_diamond_1

عضوة جديدة


اللغة الأنجليزية

sometimes we dream with many things but not all of it we get
sometimes we laugh form the bottom of our
we cry a lot
sometimes we feel we owned the world
and sometimes you lose yourself
sometimes our tears conquer us and sometimes happiness prevails us
sometimes we like life
and sometimes we pain that we wish die
sometimes sadness ******* us
but at end smile:);) will stay a life
my friends and sisters that is life
and we have to trust on god all our life
cause thats what we all need
god be with us when we all close to god
life like a pool you swim in it and try to be safe all the time
So keep on fighting your inside to win your last
life is a great test god help us to pass it

So simply thats life

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ورق عنب200
ورق عنب200
you are right life dont give us any thing we want and if life give us something we still say that is not enough>:(:(:(