
الاصيل @alasyl_3

مشرفة الواحة العلمية


اللغة الأنجليزية

$ It can buy a House, But not a Home ...

$ It can buy a Bed, But not Sleep ...

$ It can buy a Clock, But not Time...

$ It can buy you a Book, But not Knowledge...

$ It can buy you a Position, But not Respect ...

$ It can buy you Medicine, But not Health ...

$ It can buy you Blood, But not Life ...

$ It can buy you Sex, But not Love ...

" So you see money isn't everything. And it often causes pain and suffering ... I tell you all this because I am your Friend, and as your Friend I want to take away your pain and suffering.... So send me all your money and I will suffer for you ... A truer Friend than me you will never find ... CASH ONLY PLEASE !!!

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

بقايا دموع
بقايا دموع

thanx dear ..nice one

ميعاد الاشواق
thank u 4 your subject dear
:27: :26:

بقايا دموع&&&شوق الورود
شكراً لمروركم
شوكلاته بلحليب
wow but i have aquestion what is a defference between home and house i mean when can i use home and when can i use house ?
حيااك الله شوكلاته بلحليب
الفرق بينهم انه house يطلق على المنزل الصغير..
homeالبيت الكبير..