Hala girls
Please can anyone help me i leave in London whenever there is a wedding i dnt get any hair dresses of my choice.
I always go the the turkesh ppl but they dnt now how to apply mak up the way we women from gulf wuld like to.
So please can anyone help me.
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

I also want to help you
but i am not in london
but you can take some advices from this web site
and you can apply make up by yourself
if you are arabic or can read arabic,you will find what you want here
if you want us to translate the advices,we are ready
but i am not in london
but you can take some advices from this web site
and you can apply make up by yourself
if you are arabic or can read arabic,you will find what you want here
if you want us to translate the advices,we are ready
الصفحة الأخيرة
but im in S.A